设立学习成才奖励基金 某预团建“学习型军营”有新举措

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最近,贵州某预备役团党委作出决定,建立7万元的学习成才奖励基金,为获得大专以上文凭的官兵报销80%学费。拿出4万元为机关各部添置电脑8台,实现机关干部人手一台的目标。年底前,要求全团官兵人人通过国家计算机等级考试。 这个团在实践中感到:要实现团队的创新发展,人才是关键,为此,该团党委提出了“人才为本,育才兴团”的人才培养建设思路,党委正副书记主动担当起人才建设的“校长”角色,真正负起育才和管才的责任。出台了一抓人才 Recently, a reserve party regiment of Guizhou made a decision to set up a 70,000-yuan learning and rewarding fund to reimburse 80% of its tuition fees for officers who obtained a diploma above college level. He took out 40,000 yuan to purchase 8 computers for the ministries and agencies and achieved the goal of one cadres in the organs and cadres. Before the end of the year, all officers and men of the entire regiment were required to pass the National Computer Rank Examination. This group felt in practice: To realize the innovation and development of the team, talent is the key. Therefore, the party committee of the regiment put forward the train of thought on talent cultivation and development under the guidance of “Talent Based, Educated Students and Prosperous Regiment”, and the deputy secretary of the party committee took the initiative to take charge of the construction of talents “Principal” role, really take the responsibility of talent and talent. Issued a grasp of talent
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