Research and Practice of the System of Computer—assisted Oral English Test on a Large Scale

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  [Abstract]:The establishment of computer-assisted oral test system is one way to improve college students’ English communication skills. This thesis gives a brief analysis of how to set up a scientific system in colleges from the characters of oral activities,oral ability and its features,the patterns of English oral test and the abilities tested.
  [Key words]:college English; computer-assisted oral test; system
  Oral English has always been the weak part in college English education. Its test is also not so easy,thus is seldom taken in the requirement of English examination. Faced with the large number of non-English major students,we must work out such problems as exploring the theory and methods of oral test and how to test students’ communication ability in a scientific and fair way in order to promote oral English teaching.
  So called computer-assisted oral test means the process of making use of modern language laboratory system to conduct tests involving conversations between men and computers. Students’ real-time answers will be automatically transmitted into teachers’ computers by means of digital audio files,and then recorded digitally by computers. Computers will automatically generate independent comprehensive databases based on students’ information bases,which can be copied and preserved. Teachers can grade each student according to computer-generated recording files in the database.
  It takes 25 hours to test 1000 students in 4 rooms in each of which there are 2 teachers,allowing each student 6 minutes,while only 90 minutes are needed for computer-assisted test with 15 minutes for each. So,we can see,under circumstances of the same manpower and number of students,time spent on computer-assisted tests is much less than that of traditional ones.
  There are many subjective variables in traditional tests which may be unfair,such as teachers’ attitude and pronunciations,etc. While in computer-assisted tests,students know well the required talking questions since they are shown on the screens simultaneously,the demand of listening ability is decreased to the lowest point. Each student has the same length of answer time,which is fair to all and can avoid various of subjective factors by the greatest extent. Advanced equipment is fully used to test 1000 students with only 5 sets of questions. The same question is used in 4 rooms without repetition,which can avoid the exchange of questions among students.   Questions used in computer-assisted tests as well as various of audio and visual materials and students’ original voice data can be all saved conveniently into servers,movable hard disks or copied in CD for file. Teachers can do all kinds of analysis after grading that will be reference and evidence to future tests,research and teaching work,while face-to-face tests cannot achieve this.
  In computer-assisted tests,students do not feel nervous,so they can give full play to their real abilities. Faced with computers,students can calm down and enter the given language environment,having enough time to answer different kinds of questions,expressing themselves as much as possible. In such a way,the results can reflect students’ real level more objectively and truthfully.
  We used 4 labs with 48 computers in each to test,each of which has a test system software installed in the master computer which forms a controlling system that will make all-directional test monitor. Questions will be transmitted by teachers from the main computer console,and there is a small question base(including 5 sets of questions). To make sure that the tests will be conducted successfully,such work as examiners’ training and students’ training needs to be done in advance.
  Text reading---demands clear pronunciation,correct tone and fluent reading. Reading passages are shown on screens. Students are familiar with the texts,so the reading will cause students to study harder the course of reading and writing. The topics are mainly about everyday life and social life,allowing students 2 minutes. Comprehensive grading is used,say,teachers grade each part of the tests and form a total score.
  There are 2 teachers in each room,one of whom operates the computer console,the other monitor the test and keep order. Step 1:check students’ valid documents to confirm their identifications. Step 2:students input their ID numbers to enter the test system and adjust the equipment. There is a trial recording and listening to the reading before tests begin. Step 3:tests begin simultaneously in the 4 rooms,one set of questions is used in one test without repetition. Students give their answers based on the question demands on the screens. Step 4:computers automatically store students’ recordings and submit answers as soon as the time is up. The operating teacher plays the recordings to students to confirm there is nothing wrong,then students leave the rooms. Step 5:having decided on the same grading standard,teachers grade students’ tests through the oral test grading system.   IV. GRADING OF THE TESTS
  When tests are finished,all the data will be inputted in the movable hardware and made CD files. With the same grading standard,teachers will use the software to grade,based on pronunciation,tone,fluency,sentence coherence,vocabulary and sentence pattern. Besides,whether there are breaks and grammar mistakes are examined. After all these work,teachers will output all the scores in Excel to form one part of the final grade of college English. In computer-assisted oral tests,test and grading are separated so that teachers can re-listen,compare and modify when there is an uncertainty,so the grading is more precise. We can draw a conclusion that the reliability of computer-assisted test is higher than that of face-to-face one.
  After the tests,a survey was conducted among students,which shows:most of the students think that computer-assisted tests will promote communication ability,that students will normally give full play to their abilities without being nervous compared with face-to-face tests,that students’ speaking level can be better examined. Computer-assisted oral test will inevitably improve and promote English education in higher institutes.
前苏联教育家赞克夫说:“教师如果不尽心研究学生的个性特点,如果不了解他们的内心世界,就不可能顺利的进行教学和教育工作,因而也不可能进步,完善自己的教学技巧。  因此,家访是教师教书育人不可缺少的重要环节之一,它是协调学校教育和家庭教育的一种有效方式,也是沟通教师和家长、学生三者关系的桥梁。一次成功的家访,不仅会在学生心灵深处留下深刻的印象,还能融洽教师、家长和学生的感情,促进心与心沟通,缩短彼此的
[摘 要]:现代教育的特征充分展现人的主体性。新课程提出教学要坚持“以人为本”。课堂教学过程中就要体现学生“自主学习”为主旋律。小学数学课堂教学中应以学生的全面、主动、和谐地发展为中心,学生学习不单是知识由外到内的转移和传递,更应是学习主动建构自己知识经验的过程,参与教学活动中来。教师如何促进学生自主学习参与教学活动呢?  [关键词]:小学生数学学习 自主学习 参与教学活动  全日制义务教育
[摘 要]:当前的数学教学已不仅仅单纯地培养学生掌握一些基本的数学知识,而是开发学生的思维,提高学生的创新能力。摒除原有的保守性、被动性和消极性的形而上学思维,开放性思维则是突破传统思维定势和狭隘眼界,多视角、全方位看问题。它是利用观察、实验、类比、归纳、分析、推理等一系列方法进行探索的模式,运用开放性思维不仅能培养学生学习的兴趣,而且还能激发他们的潜力,提高学生的创造性。而开发学生开放性思维的
阅读是语文“听、说、读、写”四大能力之一,随着语文课程和教学改革的深入,阅读的地位更显其重要。怎样更好的进行阅读教学,如何提高阅读教学的效率,已经成为语文教师面临的重大挑战。结合近些年对阅读教学的理解,我认为全面提升学生的阅读能力应该从以下几方面入手:  一、提高学生的阅读兴趣  “兴趣是最好的老师”。我们在阅读教学中,应该积极抓住这一特点,开展多形式的活动让学生喜欢阅读。例如:(一)、通过举行朗
[摘 要]:本文通过对结构语义学语义关系及其基本理论的概述,具体通过下义关系,反义关系及相对关系三种语义关系,探讨这一理论在英语词汇教学中的应用。  [关键词]:结构语义学 语义关系 词汇教学  一、结构语义学(Structural Semantics)概述  结构语义学是现代语义理论中很新颖的一个分支。David Crystal 所著的A Dictionary of Linguistics
美术教育是实施素质教育、培养学生创新能力的最有效手段,它独特的优势,就是可以在发展学生艺术个性的基础上开发学生的创造潜能。所以,在过去的三年里,我进行了“让个性化教学在小学美术课堂中激情飞扬”的探索,初步寻求到了美术课堂教师个性化教学的基本规律,取得的成效是有效地培养和发展了学生的艺术个性,开发了学生的创造潜能,充分尊重了学生的个性,展示了学生的个性,发展了学生的个性。  美术课程是一个以培养学生
初中音乐教育往往被学校和老师忽略,原因就是它不是中考学科。但是,培养学生的艺术素养,音乐教育无比重要。在日常的教学中,如何改进教学内容和教学方法,以加强音乐基础知识教学和基本技能训练,培养学生的音乐表现能力、感受能力和鉴赏能力,大面积地提高音乐教学质量,是进行音乐教学改革的现实课题。  一、要重视课堂上组织教学  在音乐课堂教学中,运用多种方法和手段,激发起学生的学习兴趣和欲望,是完成音乐教学大纲
[摘 要]:作文教学是语文教学中必不可少的组成部分,在学生的主体性发展中,作文教学占据着十分重要的地位。如何提高小学生的写作水平是每一位教师的责任和义务,本文将和广大教师共同探讨提高作文教学的一些尝试。  [关键词]:小学生 写作水平 策略  在教学中教师花了大量的心血指导作文,费了大量的精力批改作文,可学生却是怕上作文课,也怕写作文。作为一名教师,应该树立为学生服务的观念,遵循学生的心理发
一个好教师要更多站在学生的立场思考问题。所谓学生的发展,即教育不仅仅是捧上一张张录取通知书,而是捧出一个个有鲜活个性的活生生的人。教育不仅仅是追求百分之多少的升学率,而是追求每个学生的生动、活泼、主动的发展。作为一个教师,最重要的是能不能以平等的姿态对待学生,能不能给学生足够的爱心,耐心与宽容,能不能利用本学科的特点把学生的视野引向更宽阔的外部世界,告诉学生,什么是信任、宽容、合作和爱。 学生能在