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5月12日,四川汶川发生的8级特大地震,给灾区人民带来了人员伤亡和财产损失的巨大灾难,灾区金融机构也未幸免于难。面对灾难,在全国人民的支持下,坚强的灾区人民积极抗震自救,书写了一幕幕可歌可泣的感人事迹。在抗震救灾中,人民银行四川阿坝中心支行党委书记、行长杨开德置生死于不顾,奔赴震中,镇定指挥,连续奋战,用实际行动诠释了一名共产党员无私奉献、不畏艰险的光辉本色。临危不乱镇定指挥5月12日地震发生的那一刻,距离震中仅100多公里的阿坝中心支行 On May 12, the 8-magnitude earthquake that struck Wenchuan in Sichuan brought a huge disaster to the people in the disaster-stricken areas as a result of casualties and property losses. The financial institutions in disaster-stricken areas were also unfortunate. In the face of the disaster, with the support of the people throughout the country, the people in the disaster-stricken areas have actively resisted earthquakes and saved themselves and wrote touching epic stories. In the earthquake relief work, Yang Kaide, party secretary and president of the People’s Bank of China’s Sichuan Aba Center Branch, gave up her life and death and went to the epicenter with her command of stabilization and continuous fighting. She interpreted in real deeds the glorious character of a party member with selfless dedication and dauntlessness. Disturbed calm chaotic command May 12 earthquake occurred at the moment, only 100 kilometers away from the epicenter of Aba Center Branch
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社会监督:第三支力量  曾几何时,公权力机关把社会力量的参与和监督视为洪水猛兽,唯恐避之不及。是把社会力量排除于公共事务之外,还是创造条件让社会力量参与公共事务?是一味怀疑社会力量参与公共事务的能力,还是创造条件提高社会力量的参与能力?四川省纪委监察厅聘请社会监督员,全方位介入抗震救灾款物的接收发放过程,体制内外两种监督力量进行了一次成功的对接与合作。    社会监督员:“308盏明灯”    2
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