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  With the rapid development of the internationalization of education, China has became a large country with two-way flow of student input and output. In 2018, the number of Chinese students studying abroad exceeded 600,000. With the society's demand for higher education, the improvement of living standards, and the reduction of the cost of studying abroad, in recent years, students studying abroad have gradually shifted from elite education to popular education, and the forms of studying abroad have been diversified.
  The international educational exchange programs of private universities are relatively common. The educational programs of various colleges and universities have different characteristics and development. The low proportion of students going abroad is a common phenomenon. This article analyzes the main forms of undergraduate students’ study abroad planning and the advantages and disadvantages of each form to help colleges and universities find the positioning of overseas education programs to develop soundly and promote the development of private undergraduate college students’ international exchanges.
  Key words:study abroad,study plan,internationalization
  1. The main forms of private universities students' study abroad
  1.1 Credit Mutual Recognition Project
  The main learning forms are "2+2" and "3+1". During the undergraduate study period, students will have a dual-campus experience. The first stage is to study in domestic undergraduate courses, through the credit recognition program, and the latter stage to study in overseas university. The overseas credits are transferred back to China, and students who successfully graduate can obtain a domestic undergraduate degree and an undergraduate degree from an overseas university, which is usually the inter-university exchange and joint training of the student’s school.
  1.2 Short-term overseas exchange projects
  Take the one-semester exchange student program as an example. The universities in the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, Malaysia and other countries are the main partners. The cost is low and the choice of majors is flexible. Students can study abroad for 3 months according to their own circumstances without obtaining a degree from the other party. For the purpose of increasing their overseas study experience and practice, overseas universities may send a DIPLOMA to students. To conduct the exchange program for students in general, that is, all the courses of both universities are open to students of the partner university, students can go to study for either short term or long term in partner university.   1.3 Study Abroad for Master Degree
  After graduating from a bachelor's degree, students can apply for a master's degree program in overseas institutions to improve their academic qualifications and enhance their employment competitiveness. Students can also choose to study for a master's degree abroad when they are studying undergraduate. Some schools have carried out the "3+1" program with the British Universities, and the "3+2" program with the US Universities. It saves one year of time for students to go overseas for master's degree.
  Undergraduate students go to overseas universities to study in different forms of education. The time spent studying abroad is directly proportional to the cost of education. After completing a foreign master's program, they can obtain more knowledge and experience, and lay a solid foundation for future academic development.
  Among private undergraduate colleges and universities, credit mutual recognition projects and short-term exchange programs are the mainstay. Sino-foreign cooperative education programs are not common in private colleges due to the high application procedures and teaching requirements. Most colleges choose to carry out credit mutual recognition, Short-term exchanges and other forms of inter-school exchanges and cooperation.
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  [3] Wang Zixun. Research on the planning and guidance of students studying abroad in Sino-foreign cooperative colleges[J]. Gaokao, 2018(18): 11+13.
  [4]Shi Guangxiao. Talking about the planning and guidance of studying abroad for Sino-foreign cooperative education projects under the background of the implementation of the "Belt and Road" strategy[J]. New West, 2017(22): 45+139.
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  (South China Institute of Software Engineering,GU.)
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摘要:本文旨在分析高校学生社团在思想政治教育中发挥的作用,通过存在的问题,提出改善建议。此次研究基于笔者的实践经验,参考相关文献为本文提供理论依据,笔者通过研究调查了解学生社团在思想政治教育中存在的问题主要有高校学生社团缺乏思想政治教育、社团活动内容政治导向不足两个方面,提出了高校须给学生社团配备指导老师、高校社团需要深化政治导向的实质建议,为提高我国高素质人才的思想政治教育提供了改善方向。  关
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