Comparative studies on the structure and adhesion of setae in G. gecko and G. swinhonis

来源 :Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dapao123456789
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Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and histological techniques were used to observe and study the setae structures of two gecko species (G. gecko and G. swinhonis) and the relationships between these structures and the adhesive forces. The SEM results showed that the setae of these two species were densely distributed in an orderly fashion, and branched with curved tips. The setae of G. gecko had cluster structures, each cluster containing 4-6 setae whose terminal branches curved towards the center of the toes at ~ 10o, the tips of the branches like spatulae and densely arrayed at an interval of less than 0.2―0.3 μm. On the contrary, the branch tips in the setae of G. swinhonis were curled, and the terminal parts of setae curved towards the center of the toes at various angles. Usually the setae of these gecko species branch twice at the top at intervals greater than that of G. gecko. The histological observation found that inside the setae of these two species there were plenty of unevenly distributed contents, such as epithelia, fat cells, pigmental cells and muscle tissue, but no gland cells existed. The results of functional experiments suggested that modifying the structure of gecko’s setae could reduce its adhesive ability dramatically, demonstrating the positive correlation between the structure of the gecko’s setae and its adhesive ability. The above results provide important information in designing bio-mimic setae and bio-gecko robots. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and histological techniques were used to observe and study the setae structures of two gecko species (G. gecko and G. swinhonis) and the relationships between these structures and the adhesive forces. The SEM results showed that the setae of The two species were densely distributed in an orderly fashion, and branched with curved tips. The setae of G. gecko had cluster structures, each cluster containing 4-6 setae whose terminal branches curved towards the center of the toes at ~ 10o, the tips of the branches like spatulae and densely arrayed at an interval of less than 0.2-0.3 μm. On the contrary, the branch tips in the setae of G. swinhonis were curled, and the terminal parts of setae curved towards the center of the toes at various angles. Usually the setae of these gecko species branch twice at the top at intervals greater than that of G. gecko. The histological observation found that inside the setae of these two species there were plenty of unevenly distributed contents, such as epithelia, fat cells, pigmental cells and muscle tissue, but no gland cells existed. The results of functional experiments suggested that modifying the structure of gecko’s setae could reduce its adhesive ability dramatically, demonstrating the positive correlation between the structure of the gecko’s setae and its adhesive ability. The above results provide important information in designing bio-mimic setae and bio-gecko robots.
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