省委书记王珉在全省深入推进“和谐班子”创建活动电视电话会议上讲话强调 “和谐班子”要团结干事和谐共事按章办事

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7月20日,全省加强领导班子思想政治建设,深入推进“和谐班子”创建活动电视电话会议在长春召开。省委书记王珉出席会议并作重要讲话。他强调,“团结干事、和谐共事、按章办事”既是“和谐班子”的基本标准,也是各级党组织加强自身建设的努力方向。王珉强调,实现省九次党代会确定的目标,关键在于全省各级领导班子能否发挥战斗堡垒作用,真正成为团结带领全省人民实现全面振兴的“火车头”。王珉指出,建设“和谐班子”要重点抓好三个方面:一是团结干事。就是班子成员齐心协力干工作,共同把所承担的事业搞上去,这是班子和谐的基础。当前,要按照胡锦涛总书记关于坚定不移地坚持思想解放的要求,在创新观念中抢抓机遇,在摆脱束缚中闯出新路,在开拓进取中脱颖而出,扎扎实实地把省九次党代会确定的各项任务落到实处。二是和谐共事。就是班子成员要坦诚相见、互相支持,形成清新和谐的政治氛围和工作环境。这是班子和谐的关键。作为领导干部不仅要有干事的精神和本领,也要有共事的意识和水平。“一把手”是班子和谐共事的关键,要首先作出表率,要善于用人所长,要关心爱护干部,也要对干部严格要求,班子其他成员要增强全局意识,和衷共济一道把工作做好。三是按章办事。就是要守规矩、讲原则,严格按照党章和各项规章制度办事。这是班子和谐的保证。按章办事的核心是坚持民主集中制。要按照“集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定”的原则,进一步完善党委内部议事和决策机制,健全党委常委会决策程序。主要领导要率先垂范,发扬民主,要积极适应领导体制和工作运行机制的变化,逐步探索落实常委分工负责制的有效办法,并在实践中不断总结、规范和完善。 On July 20, the province strengthened the ideological and political building of the leading group and further promoted the establishment of an activity video and teleconference for the “harmonious team” to be held in Changchun. Provincial Party Secretary Wang Min attended the meeting and made an important speech. He emphasized that the principle of “uniting officers, working in harmony and acting in accordance with the rules” is both the basic standard of “harmonious teamwork” and the direction of efforts by party organizations at all levels to strengthen themselves. Wang Min emphasized that the key to realizing the goal set by the provincial party congress at the ninth level lies in whether the leading bodies at all levels in the province can play the role of a stronghold of fighting and truly become the “locomotive” that unite and lead the people of the province in rejuvenating their fields. Wang Min pointed out: Building a “harmonious team” should focus on three aspects: First, to unite officers. Is the team members work together to work together to carry out the undertaking, which is the basis for team harmony. At present, according to General Secretary Hu Jintao’s unswerving adherence to the requirements of emancipating the mind and seizing opportunities in the concept of innovation, he has to break new ground in breaking away from shackles and come to the fore in pioneering and enterprising, The tasks that will be confirmed will be implemented. Second, work together in harmony. That is, members of the team should meet each other honestly and support each other to form a fresh and harmonious political atmosphere and work environment. This is the key to team harmony. As a leading cadre, we must not only have the spirit and ability of the cadres, but also have the awareness and level of working together. “Leader ” is the key to the harmonious co-operation of the team. It is necessary to first set an example, be good at employing director, care for cadres, but also on the strict requirements of cadres, other members of the team to enhance the overall awareness and work together to work together. Third, according to the rules. It is necessary to abide by the rules and stresses principles and act strictly in accordance with the party constitution and the rules and regulations. This is the guarantee of team harmony. The core of handling affairs by chapter is to uphold democratic centralism. In accordance with the principle of “collective leadership, democratic centralism, individual deliberation and meeting decisions,” we should further improve the internal affairs and decision-making mechanism of the party committees and improve the decision-making process of the party committee standing committees. The leading leaders should take the lead in setting examples and promote democracy. They should actively adapt to changes in the leadership system and working mechanism, and gradually explore effective ways to implement the responsibility system for the standing committees’ work division of labor. They should continue to summarize, standardize and improve in practice.
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