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五台县是著名的革命老区,在这块热土上,无数革命前辈为民族独立和解放做出了贡献。他们的事迹值得我们永远铭记,他们的精神是我们的巨大财富。作家边树堂深入老区,追寻英雄足迹,掌握了大量第一手资料,本文首次详细叙述了华国锋同志岳父韩七海一家的革命传奇。 Wutai County is a famous old revolutionary base in this hot spot, countless revolutionary predecessors made a contribution to the national independence and liberation. Their deeds deserve to be forever remembered, and their spirit is our tremendous wealth. Writer edge tree hall deep into the old quarter, the pursuit of heroes footprints, master a large number of first-hand information, this article for the first time described in detail the revolutionary legend of Comrade Hua Kuo-feng father-in-law Han Qihai.
调节膦是一种新型的林用除莠剂,自1977年以来先后有美、苏、日、德等十几个国家生产并在林业上广泛应用,获得良好效果. Phosphine is a new type of herbicides for forest
High nitrogen and nickel-free austenitic stainless steel has received much recognition worldwide because it can solve the problem of “nickel-allergy” and has
这是一部关于草根和泥巴的电影,在任何的社会中,他们都是最下层的,经常被遗忘和忽视的。但是,所谓的根也就在这里。一个人,如果不了解自己的根,不 This is a movie about gr
The characteristics of seasalt deposition and its impact on acid soils in maritime regions are reviewed. It is pointed out that studies involving the impact of
大卫·杜瓦尔,1999年鲍勃霍普精英赛决赛轮:球场难度或许称不上第一,但杜瓦尔在决赛轮中能打出59杆(-13)最终摘得桂冠,实属不易,在最后一洞竟然射下老鹰,让人难以置信。 Dav
一辆吉利JL7100X1轿车,累计行驶约3万km,因间歇性熄火故障来厂检修。车主反映:当该车以60 km/h以上速度行驶急减速时,发动机有时会突然熄火,熄火后再起动可顺利着机。该故障
美国林务局于1965年制订了黑樱(Prunus serotina Ehrh.)改良计划(Schreiner和其他人,1965)。Pitcher和Dorn(1967)提出了优良树(Superior tree)的估价和选择准则作为这计划的