Sealing of Ejection Hole at the Bottom of Projectile for Wired Transmission System of Penetration Da

来源 :Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghost_lovelove
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It is difficult to find the projectile when people want to get the penetration data in a hard recovery method,so a recovery system of penetration data is designed based on an ejection mode from the projectile base and a method of wired transmission,at the same time,the system was sealed with a designed sealing device,the working principle of which was introduced.Using Fluent as the simulation platform,the transient pressure of seal cavity was simulated based on the change of chamber pressure,and steady-state pressure of seal clearance and seal cavity were simulated based on the maximum chamber pressure.The sealing performance was tested by apressure test system.The results of simulation and experiment show that the maximum pressure of seal cavity is 139.4kPa when the maximum chamber pressure is 242.9MPa and the maximum temperature of gunpowder explosive gas is2 166.5K,so the sealing performance can be assured.The sealing device can be taken as a reference in sealing research on gunpowder gas at the bottom of projection. It is difficult to find the projectile when people want to get the penetration data in a hard recovery method, so a recovery system of penetration data is designed based on an ejection mode from the projectile base and a method of wired transmission, at the same time , the system was sealed with a designed sealing device, the working principle of which was introduced. Using Fluent as the simulation platform, the transient pressure of seal cavity was simulated based on the change of chamber pressure, and steady-state pressure of seal clearance and seal cavity were simulated based on the maximum chamber pressure.The sealing performance was tested by apressure test system. The results of simulation and experiment show that the maximum pressure of seal cavity is 139.4kPa when the maximum chamber pressure is 242.9MPa and the maximum temperature of gunpowder explosive gas is2 166.5K, so the sealing performance can be assured.The sealing device can be taken as a reference in sealing research on gunpowd er gas at the bottom of projection.
中小企业集群作为一种特殊的产业组织形式在经济全球化与产业地方化两大趋势的演变背景下,在各个经济体系中发挥出了非凡的活力。这同时引起国内外众多地理学家、经济学家、社会心理学家及众多决策者的热切关切。 我国由中小企业主导的集群也在逐渐成为区域经济发展的基本特征,然而,资源的有限性同发展的深化永远是一对不可逆转的矛盾,随着竞争的加剧与环境的日益复杂,使得企业集群从宏观上来看已经由简单的互惠型集群演
毕业将近,如今正值学生找工作的高峰期。3月14日,记者应邀来到湖南安全技术职业学院2009届毕业生校园供需见面会上体验了一番,在“就业寒冬”里看到了一朵朵盛开的 Graduati