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去年9月16日,省委书记杜青林再次到全省贫困乡镇之一的定安县坡寨乡检查扶贫工作时说,坡寨乡的变化使人们看到经济发展的亮点,点燃起脱贫致富的希望。究竟坡寨乡去年的结局和今年的开局如何?1998年,坡寨乡总产值1478万元,比1997年增加330万元。粮食产量3405吨,比1997年增加303吨;甘蔗收获35000吨,比1997年增加5000吨;财政收入118万元,比1997年增加20万元;人均收入754元,比1997年增加64元。全乡746户贫困户,1998年经有关部门验收,有420户解决了温饱问题。全乡农村全部通电,有一半人口饮用上了自来水。今年,坡寨乡又有了重大的动作。在产业 On Sept. 16 last year, Du Qinglin, secretary of the provincial party committee, once again visited Paozhai Township, Ding’an County, one of the poorest townships in the province, to check on poverty alleviation work. He said that the changes in Poxiang Township enabled people to see the bright spots of economic development and ignite hope of becoming rich and poor . After all, what is the outcome of the previous year and the start of this year? In 2010, the total output value of Po Zhaoxiang reached 14.78 million yuan, an increase of 3.3 million yuan over 1997. 3405 tons of grain were produced, an increase of 303 tons over 1997; sugarcane was harvested 35000 tons, an increase of 5000 tons over 1997; fiscal revenue was 1.18 million yuan, an increase of 200,000 yuan over 1997; per capita income was 754 yuan, an increase of 64 yuan over 1997. The township, 746 poor households, in 1998 by the relevant departments for inspection, 420 households to solve the problem of food and clothing. Whole village rural all electricity, half of the population drinking tap water. This year, there is another major move in Pozhai Township. In the industry
The European stainless steel producers generate 20 -30 kg dust per ton of produced stainless steel.The dust formed during various stages of the production proce
本刊讯中国交通运输协会城市轨道交通专业委员会成立大会于2000年7月22日—23日在北京召开。由中国交通运输协会成立城市轨道交通运输专业委员会 ,目的是将城市轨道领域有关建设、运营