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一、农村体制改革国务院常务会议部署粮食流通体制改革 4月12日召开的国务院常务会议, 审议并原则通过《国务院关于完善粮食流通体制改革政策措施的意见》。会议指出,随着粮食流通体制改革的推进,必须进一步加大改革力度,完善政策措施,健全体制机制,确保粮食流通体制改革的顺利推进。当前要着力做好以下几个方面的工作:一是加快推进国有粮食购销企业改革,切实转换企业经营机制,使国有粮食购销企业真正成为市场主体。二是加快清理和剥离国有粮食企业财务挂账,继续做好国有粮食企业分流职工再就业和社会保障工作,抓紧库存陈化粮的定向销售,妥善解决企业历史包袱。三是积极培育和规范粮食市场,加快建立全国统一开放、竞争有序的粮食市场体 I. Institutional Reform in Rural Areas The State Council executive meeting deployed the reform of grain circulation system On April 12, the State Council executive meeting examined and approved in principle the “Opinions of the State Council on Perfecting the Policies and Measures for the Reform of the Grain Circulation System.” The meeting pointed out: With the advancement of the reform of the grain circulation system, we must further increase the intensity of reform, improve policies and measures, improve institutional mechanisms and ensure the smooth progress of the reform of the grain circulation system. At present, efforts should be made to do the following work: First, to speed up the reform of state-owned grain purchasing and marketing enterprises and effectively transform the operating mechanism of enterprises so that the state-owned grain purchase and sale enterprises can truly become the market players. The second is to speed up the clean-up and divestiture of state-owned grain enterprises, and continue to do a good job of reemployment and social security for diverted workers of state-owned grain enterprises. We must pay close attention to the targeted sales of aged stocks of grain and properly solve the historical burden of the enterprises. Third, actively cultivate and standardize the grain market, speed up the establishment of a unified, open and competitive grain market in the country
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我主要对社会上流传的两种观点,谈一点想法。一是相当一部分人认为医疗改革总体上是不成功的,我觉得对这个判断需要商榷。再就是认为医改总体不成功, 是因为走了商业化、市场
《牛津分析》是集中全球近万名经济学家的智慧,融汇英国牛津分析专家的思想成就,是许多国家总统和总理每晨必读的特别资料。本栏目内容由国家信息中心中经网论坛部提供。文章观点不代表本刊立场。    【提要】以人均GDP进行比较,东亚金融市场发展水平超过了世界平均水平。进一步说,东亚银行和股市发展良好,但债券市场存在不足,尤其是金融市场将储蓄转化为投资的中介功能存在诸多问题。不过,当地政府和市场为发展本币债