从《诗经 周南 关雎》诗旨说到汉儒说《诗》的迷误

来源 :古籍整理研究学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stern_pea
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本文重新审视了《诗经·周南·关雎》一诗的内容,确认此诗为男恋女之单相思情歌。先秦儒者赞赏此诗具有以礼节情的意识,也是基于诗中“君子”暗恋“淑女”的心理活动所作的义理阐发。汉代四家《诗》都抛开这一基本内容,而将诗旨附会为美、刺周王或后妃。且又说各不同。由此推论:汉儒解读《诗经》并无先秦遗留下的《诗序》可据。他们遵循通经致用的原则,竭力将诗旨归入汉代政治教化的轨道。而汉代的后妃干政,外戚弄权的弊端,也促使汉儒有意将诗旨引向美刺后妃,以求达到委婉讽喻帝王的目的。 This article reexamined the content of a poem of “Book of Songs · Zhou Nan · Guan 雎”, confirming that this poem is the soliloquy love song of a man-in-law. The pre-Qin Confucians appreciated the poem’s awareness of courtesy and affection, as well as the interpretation of the righteousness based on the psychological activities in the poem “Gentleman” and “Lady”. The four “poems” in the Han Dynasty put aside this basic content, while attaching the poem to the United States, princes or concubines. And then say different. From this corollary: Han Confucian interpretation of the “Book of Songs” no pre-Qin left “poetry order” can be. They follow the principle of leading the way and strive to categorize the poem into the political enlightenment of Han Dynasty. However, the Han dynasty imperial concubine, the malfeasance of the merits of foreign workers, also prompted Han Confucianism intended to lead the poem to beauty concubine, in order to achieve the purpose of allegorical allegory of the emperor.
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