Study of a Comprehensive Assessment Method for Coal Mine Safety Based on a Hierarchical Grey Analysi

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lydr
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Coal mine safety is a complex system, which is controlled by a number of interrelated factors and is difficult to estimate. This paper proposes an index system of safety assessment based on correlated factors involved in coal mining and a comprehensive evaluation model that combines the advantages of the AHP and a grey clustering method to guarantee the accuracy and objectivity of weight coefficients. First, we confirmed the weight of every index using the AHP, then did a general safety assessment by means of a grey clustering method. This model analyses the status of mining safety both qualitatively and quantitatively. It keeps management and technical groups informed of the situation of the coal production line in real time, which aids in making correct decisions based on practical safety issues. A case study in the application of the model is presented. The results show that the method is applicable and realistic with regard to the core of a coal mine’s safety management. Consequently, the safe production of a mine and the awareness of advanced safe production management is accelerated. Coal mine safety is a complex system, which is controlled by a number of interrelated factors and is difficult to estimate. This paper proposes an index system of safety assessment based on correlated factors involved in coal mining and a comprehensive evaluation model that combines the advantages of the AHP and a gray clustering method to guarantee the accuracy and objectivity of weight coefficients. First, we confirmed the weight of every index using the AHP, then did a general safety assessment by means of a gray clustering method. This model analyzes the status of mining safety both qualitatively and quantitatively. It keeps management and technical groups informed of the situation of the coal production line in real time, which aids in making correct decisions based on practical safety issues. A case study in the application of the model is presented. The results show that the method is applicable and realistic with regard to the core of a coal mine’s safety management. Consequent ly, the safe production of a mine and the awareness of advanced safe production management is accelerated.
1937年秋的一天,延河畔的抗大校园,一片热闹景象,学员们奔走相告:红军总政文艺宣传队,今晚要来慰问演出! One day in the autumn of 1937, the anti-large-scale campus alon
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“自主、合作、探究”模式是语文新课程所倡导的一种新的学习方式,在促进学生间的情感交流、互帮互学、共同提高、发挥学生学习的主动性方面起着积极的作用。教师应加强研究,努力探索,不断提高小组合作在语文学习中的实效性。以下将主要探讨“自主、合作、探究”模式在初中语文教学中的运用情况。  一、初中语文教学的现状  目前语文课堂教学中“自主、合作、探究”的模式往往存在着“重形式,轻实质,无实效”的现象,主要表
1  朋友跟我講过自己经历的这么一个事: 刚学会开车那会儿,最喜欢做的事儿就是开快车。油门踩到底,发动机轰鸣,车子如鱼儿般在车流中自由穿梭。限速120码的路,经常跑到160码。  后来和同事一起到外地出差,都是些开车多年的老司机,反而开得规规矩矩。限速120,就绝对不会开到130。  他觉得很奇怪,说你们又不是不会开车,怎么就那么“怂”呢?我知道这段路没有摄像头,大家一起飙一下吧?  老司机们说,