发扬军工精神 发挥装备优势 水陆空天救援——国防科技工业系统全力开展抗震救灾综述

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在这场倾国抗灾大会战中,素有国家“脊梁”之称的军工人更是第一时间冲在了前面,充分履行服务国家、服务社会、服务人民的神圣职责,积极投入各种力量,全力以赴抗震救灾。受灾军工单位在危难之际,舍身保护国家财产安全,积极组织抗灾自救;各军工单位更是一方有难,八方支援,在第一时间集结大量人力、物力、财力紧急援助灾区;各军工行业充分发挥高科技优势,从水、陆、空、天,全方位立体支援灾区,展现了一幅波澜壮阔的抗灾画卷。今天,代代相传的军工精神得到再一次彰显。 In the battle of this country, it is the first time for military workers known as the “backbone” to rush ahead and fully implement the sacred duty of serving the country, serving the community and serving the people, Kind of power, go all out to earthquake relief. Affected military units in distress, sacrificing their lives to protect the country’s property security, and actively organize disaster self-help; all military units is even more difficult, P Plus support, the first time a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to aid the disaster area; the military industry full Take full advantage of high technology, from the water, land, air, weather, all-dimensional support for the disaster area, showing a magnificent picture of the disaster. Today, the spirit of military work handed down from generation to generation is once again demonstrated.
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