在美丽的厦门港湾,他的骨灰随着生前的遗愿伴着鲜花撒在了这片温情而浩淼的大海之中,崇高、纯净的灵魂永远回到了大海的怀抱,就像回到了母亲的怀里,长相依,再也不分开了。 “我从小生活在海边,对大海有一种特殊的感情。多少年了,她总在我梦中萦回,那汹涌的波涛,巨轮相衔的港湾,常使我心潮澎湃,思绪万千……” ——题记
In the beautiful harbor of Xiamen, his ashes with the last wishes of his life accompanied by flowers scattered in this warm and vast sea, lofty, pure soul will always be back to the sea of arms, just like back to his mother’s arms Long dependence, no longer separated. “When I was a child, I lived in the sea and had a special feeling for the sea. For years, she always lingering in my dreams. The turbulent waves and the harbor of the giant wheel often make me feel very excited. ” --Inscription