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一束郁金香一看到郁金香,我就想起了兄弟的罗马尼亚。去年四月,我们到罗马尼亚访问,当时大自然早已苏醒,布加勒斯特是苍绿一片。郁金香,红的、粉的、黄的,正在怒放。在我们住的旅馆前面的大花园里,在高耸的新住宅区旁边的花圃上,在饭厅的餐桌上,到处是盛开的郁金香。有一天,主人陪着我们到阿尔巴农场去参观。汽车在葡萄园中间奔驰,四周静悄悄,葡萄的嫩叶像翡翠做成的一样。我们从农场出来,驱车到布拉日自由广场。太阳已经升高了。当车子从斜坡下来, As soon as I saw tulips, I thought of my brother, Romania. Last April, we visited Romania, when nature had already regained consciousness and Bucharest was a pale green one. Tulips, red, pink, yellow, are in full bloom. In the large garden in front of the hotel where we live, on the flower-bed next to the towering new residential area, there are blooming tulips on the table in the dining room. One day, the host accompanied us to visit Alba Farm. Mercedes-Benz car in the middle of the vineyard, surrounded by quiet, grape leaves made of the same emerald leaves. We came out of the farm and drove to the Freedom Square in Bratislava. The sun has risen When the car came down the slope,
在明亮的阳光下在明亮的阳光下, 在北京,透明的空气里, 在威武的军事检阅之后, 当步兵、骑兵、装甲兵, 炮车和坦克隆隆经过, 当一片蓝色的波浪经过, 当喷气机的雷霆之声消逝
为开发维多利亚尼罗河的水资源 ,世界银行批准为 2期工程提供资金。欧文瀑布电站的扩建工程 ,位于原欧文瀑布坝的下游 ,装机容量为 2 0 0MW ,将在若干年内分阶段安装。 To d
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