A Method for Measuring Thermal Radiation Properties of Semi-Transparent Films

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunrise12345678
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This paper presents a method(F method)for determining the optical constants and the thicknesses of semi-transparent thin films.It has the following distinctive features:high precision;rapid determination of themeasured quantities;wide range of convergence of solutions;capable of judging whether or not the results arereasonable.In order to meet the needs of application and engineering design,a family of curves designatedFig.n-F was prepared.Using it n,k,d of the films can be conveniently and accurately determined.From theoptical constants and the thicknesses of the films determined by the F method,all important thermal radiationproperties of the semi-transparent films needed in application can be obtained. This paper presents a method (F method) for determining the optical constants and the thicknesses of semi-transparent thin films. It has the following distinctive features: high precision; rapid determination of themeasured quantities; wide range of convergence of solutions; capable of judging whether or not the results arereasonable.In order to meet the needs of application and engineering design, a family of curves designated Font .nF was prepared. Using it n, k, d of the films can be conveniently and accurately determined. the thicknesses of the films determined by the F method, all important thermal radiation properties of the semi-transparent films needed in application can be obtained.
This paper describes the design of four types of swirlers which produce different velocity profiles.The dataof confined turbulent swirling flowfields are obtai
王老板是枣庄一带小有名气的粮食贩子,民国初年,枣庄煤矿开采已很有规模,当地富户也较多,对香油需求较大,王老板就专做芝麻生意,为香油店铺提供原材料。  可是这一年,鲁南、豫东大旱,芝麻几乎绝收,王老板也断了货源。正发愁之时,王老板听说南边的安徽旱灾较轻,就带领几个雇工,赶着马车到安徽去收购芝麻。可到了安徽才发现,灾情也不轻,跑了几天收获寥寥。  这天中午,他们奔波了半天,又饿又累,坐在一棵大柳树下休
本文利用排气管内腔表面的表观黑度 ,计算了内腔表面向外界环境的辐射热损失及其对喷管壁温的影响。结果表明 ,喷管下游端的壁面辐射损失高达壁面总热流的 2 0~ 30 % ,在壁温