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幽王姓姬,名宫(?—前781年)。继位第二年,发生关中大地震,百姓饥馑,西北诸族入侵。任用奸臣,喜谀好利,不理国政,沉迷美色。妃子褒姒,美貌绝伦,但轻易不笑,为聊博她一笑,把她带到烽火台上,下令升火。一时狼烟四起,诸侯国帅兵马驰援而来,却不见战事,只好怏怏而归。褒姒不禁大笑,幽王十分得意。幽王的儿子宜臼,因母被杀逃到外公处申国。申侯大怒,联合犬戎攻击幽王。幽王点燃烽火告急,诸侯国仍以为是“烽火戏诸侯”,均未出援。褒姒被掳走,幽王死于骊山下,西周灭亡。 You surnamed Ji, famous palace (? - Before 781). The second year following the throne, a major earthquake in Guanzhong, people hungry, invasion of ethnic groups in Northwest China. Appoint traitor, hi 谀 profit, ignoring the country, addicted to beauty. Concubine concubine, exquisite beauty, but easily not laughing, chatting her a smile, took her to beacon stage, ordered the rise of fire. Suddenly, the princes and handsome sailors and horses came to aid, but they did not see the war. They had no choice but to return. Concubine can not help but laugh, King was very proud. Younger son should be mortar, because of the mother was killed and fled to my grandfather office in China. Shen Hou furious, combined canine Rong attack you. Youwang ignited the beacon of fire, vassal states still thought it was “war flames princes,” did not help. Concubine was abducted away, quiet king died under Lishan, Western Zhou Dynasty perish.
绿色化学理念作为一种新型的教学理念,其教学内容与教学方法都与传统的教学不同。因此,将绿色化学理念渗透到中学化学教学,可以有效的改善化学课堂教学质量。 As a new type
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
这天,妈妈正在家里给宝贝女儿小桢洗澡,结果无意间发现11个月大的女儿那稚嫩的胸部有些异样,仔细一看,小桢的左侧乳房竟然比右侧大了一些,这可着实吓了妈妈一跳!    小测试:对于小家伙的“性”问题,身为妈妈的你了解多少呢?  1. 女孩子大约多大年龄开始进入青春期?  a. 7-8岁b. 9-10岁c. 11-12岁  2. 男孩子的青春期一般比女孩子早还是晚呢?  a. 比女孩子要晚半年左右b.
Ethylene signaling pathway plays an important role in induced plant direct defense against herbivores and pathogens; however, up to now, only few researches hav