All We Need Is Comprehension——Cultural Differences in the Film The Treatment

来源 :校园英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cumtzhanglei
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We always talk about cultural differences around us.It seems to be very easy to receive and adapt to a new culture.However,the answer is totally adverse.When we are faced with other races’or countries’cultures,most of us will have many ridiculous understandings about them.For us students coming from the college of foreign languages,should have a more lenient mind to respect other cultures.This paper is aimed at showing us that cultural differences don’t matter much,as long as we endeavor to walk closer,and comprehend them. We always talk about cultural differences around us.It seems to be very easy to receive and adapt to a new culture.However, the answer is totally adverse.When we are faced with other races’or countries’cultures, most of us will have many ridiculous understandings about them.For us students coming from the college of foreign languages, should have a more lenient mind to respect other cultures.This paper is aimed at showing us that cultural differences do not matter much, as long as we endeavor to walk closer, and comprehend them.
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