
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myloft1d
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一、讨论的作用操作对幼儿学习数学的意义已被广大幼儿园教师所肯定,认为它是幼儿掌握数概念,获得数学知识的重要途径。然而,与此同时,我们也不可忽视讨论的作用,教育家列乌申娜经过深入的研究后论断:“在对儿童初步数知识的教学中,第二信号系统(数的语言)起着决定性的作用”、“只有在有语言的情况下,对于各种不连续和连续的量的感性知觉才是清晰的和分化的。”教学实践也证明,讨论在幼儿数学教学中有着独特的作用,因为讨论是多边的活动。教师与幼儿的讨论,幼儿与幼儿的讨论,你一言,我一语,能起到相互交流、相互启发之作用;同时,讨论又是探索的活动。因为讨论不是单纯的传播和注入,而是在教师引导下围绕问题的展开,互相启发,共同探究,从而对 First, the role of discussion The significance of the operation of children learning mathematics has been recognized by the majority of kindergarten teachers, that it is young children grasp the concept of mathematics, access to an important way of knowledge. However, at the same time, we can not ignore the role of discussion. The educator Levchenna concluded after an in-depth study: “In the teaching of children’s initial knowledge, the second signaling system (the language of several) plays a decisive role ”Only in a linguistic context can perceptual perceptions of discontiguous and continuous quantities be clear and differentiated." Teaching practice also proves that the discussion has a unique role in preschool mathematics teaching, Because discussion is a multilateral activity. The discussion between teachers and young children, the discussion between young children and young children, you say a word, I can play the role of mutual exchange, mutual enlightenment; the same time, the discussion is exploring activities. Because the discussion is not a mere dissemination and injection, but rather it is based on the teacher’s guidance around the issue, mutual inspiration and common inquiry, so that
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