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对大多数GMAT考试的中国考生而言,数学部分无疑是最容易得分的,因为它所考查的内容无非就是算术、代数、几何以及一些排列组合和统计学的知识。而这些我们早在中学的时候就已学过。GMAT的数学部分有两种题型:问题求解(ProblemSolving)和数据充分(Data Sufficiency)。问题求解主要考查 For most Chinese candidates for the GMAT exam, the mathematics section is undoubtedly the easiest to score because it examines nothing more than arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and some permutations and statistics. And these were learned as early as we were in high school. The math part of the GMAT has two types of questions: Problem Solving and Data Sufficiency. Problem Solving
The preparations for World Expo 2010 Shanghai arein full swing despite the global financial crisis On December 3, 2002, just oneyear after Beijing successfully
《大学英语》(复旦大学编)第三册P. 239中,有这样一道改错题: if you turn off the main road here and you will Acome to a small hill  from where you can see the? “College English” (Fudan University) Vol.3 P. In 239, there is such a
随着10月份威海市第二届国际户外用品展的临近,威海的各相关企业正积极地做着前期准备。在2008年的第一届户外用品展上,光威集团闪亮登场, With the approaching of the sec
古语云:祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏。世上许多事,是与非相伴而生,人们对事物的看法也随着事态的发展而变化。 Old saying goes: Curse of happiness rely on, Fu Xi curse by vo
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创意市集,缤纷小店,没有热闹集市的都市不算大都市,不爱买东西的人不算都市人。 The creative bazaar, colorful shops, cities without bustling bazaars are not metropol