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90年代以来,本刊和其他一些报刊在美学领域开展的对于实践美学的论争,不但持续时间长、参与面广,而且论争各方都以“学理的追求”为目的,表现了较高的学术品性,因而引起了学术界的广泛注意。这场新时期的美学大讨论,呼应着处在改革开放时代人们的美学观念乃至整个精神世界的深刻而巨大的变动。它既为90年代中国学术的繁荣添加了一个小小的景观,也为21世纪中国美学自身的突破,作好了准备。现在,这场讨论还在继续扩大与深化,显著标志之一就是,一系列与“实践美学”相关的新问题与旧问题,在深化了的认识中不断浮现。劳承万先生在本文中提出的蒋孔阳学派问题,便是其中的一个。它涉及到当代中国美学的学派划分问题、学派的元理论包括学派的形态特征、学派产生与构成的条件、学派与政治意识形态的关系等等问题。对此,劳承万先生在文中一一作了可贵的尝试性探索,提出了他的一家之言。我们欢迎学界同仁本着科学求真的态度,就此发表各自意见,以期将实践美学的讨论引向更广阔与深入的境界。 Since the 1990s, the debate on practical aesthetics carried out by this magazine and other newspapers and periodicals in the field of aesthetics has not only been carried on for a long time and has been widely participated, but also all parties in the dispute have expressed their high academic standards in pursuit of “academic pursuit” Character, which has aroused widespread attention of academics. The aesthetic discussion in this new era echoes the profound and huge changes in people’s aesthetics concepts and even the entire spiritual world in the era of reform and opening up. It not only added a small landscape to the academic prosperity of China in the 1990s, but also made preparations for the breakthrough of Chinese aesthetics in the 21st century. Now, the discussion continues to expand and deepen. One of the notable signs is that a series of new and old problems related to “Practical Aesthetics” are constantly emerging in the deepened understanding. One of them is Chiang Kai-shek’s school issue raised by Mr. Lau Cheng-wan in this article. It involves the division of the school of contemporary Chinese aesthetics. The meta-theory of the school includes the morphological characteristics of the school, the conditions for the formation and formation of the school, the relationship between the school and the political ideology, and so on. In response, Mr. Laocheng Wan made a valuable tentative exploration in the text and put forward his own speech. We welcome our academic colleagues to express their opinions on this subject in a scientific and truth-seeking manner in order to lead the discussion of practical aesthetics to a broader and deeper realm.
古人云:开卷有益。在我,不过是为了好玩而读书。因为我的好奇心太强,不管看到什么书都想翻一翻,但一本《初中生之友》却让我开 The ancients cloud: open volumes useful. I
我的奶奶,于2003年4月10日下午去世。一2003年3月的一个周末,一大早,就有人打来电话。是爷爷打来的,说奶奶住院了,这件事原本并不新鲜,无非是想叫 My grandmother passed aw
人心总有柔软的地方,而每一个高明的骗子都是一个高明的读心者,博取的不过是你内心深处的一丝羁绊。  最近几天,大学生徐玉玉被骗学费猝死的新闻还在热搜,另一位大学生宋振宁又因电信诈骗心脏骤停的消息一波又起。  听闻这类消息,总是特别惋惜心痛。斯人已逝,但网上总有可畏的人言,竟然以“大学生智商欠费”“单纯无脑被骗活该”等对逝者进行攻击,言语恶毒刻薄到令人发指。又是一帮站在高地自以为砖头砸不到自己的作恶者
和同龄人一样,我爱放风筝。看着手中的风筝飞上蓝天,心中不仅充满了欣喜与快乐,还有不少收获。那天,秋高气爽,我自然不会错过这个放风筝的好机会。把风筝 Like my peers, I