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(三)实施科教兴渔战略,引进和吸收国外先进技术,加大推广力度,促进渔业发展 1.优先引进本市渔业生产急需、增产潜力大、近期见效快、覆盖面广的优良养殖品种、先进适用技术及有利于进入21世纪渔业发展的高新前沿技术。重点引进提高水产综合生产能力的技术,包括能够增加水产品产量和提高品质的生物工程等高新技术和支持渔业可持续发展的综合技术。通过多种途径在现有的基础上推进与各国和国际渔业研究组织、机构进行双边或多边的合作与交流。加强人才、技术、资金引进。掌握了解世界先进发达渔业国家发展趋势、动态,引进良种、引进技术。在2005年前争取引进先进适用的渔业科学技术30—50项。 2.为消化和吸收所引进的国外先进技术,实施渔业现代化示范点办法。每个县(区)建立起一个具有首都特色的渔业现代化示范企业,树立 (C) the implementation of science and education strategy of promoting fisheries, the introduction and absorption of foreign advanced technology, increase efforts to promote and promote the development of fisheries 1. Priority to the introduction of the city’s urgent need for fishery production, production potential, the recent quick, broad coverage of the fine breeding species, advanced Applicable technology and high-tech cutting-edge technology that is beneficial to the development of fisheries in the 21st century. Focus on the introduction of technologies to improve the comprehensive production capacity of aquatic products, including high-tech technologies such as bioengineering that can increase the output and quality of aquatic products and comprehensive technologies to support the sustainable development of fisheries. Promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation and exchanges with various countries and international fishery research organizations and agencies on an existing basis through various channels. Strengthen the introduction of talents, technology and capital. Grasp the understanding of the development trend of the world’s advanced and developed fisheries, dynamic, the introduction of seed, the introduction of technology. Trying to introduce 30-50 advanced and applicable fishery science and technology before 2005. 2. To digest and absorb the introduction of foreign advanced technology, the implementation of the pilot demonstration of the modernization of fisheries. Each county (district) to establish a capital with the characteristics of modern fisheries demonstration enterprises, establish
黄鳝(Monopteras albus)属鱼纲、辐鳍亚纲、合鳃目、合鳃科、黄鳝亚科,俗称鳝鱼、长鱼、罗鳝、田鳗、无鳞公主等。黄鳝肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,骨刺少,含有丰富的蛋白质、多种维生素和矿物质;还有重要的药用价值,具有补气、补血、消炎、消毒、驱风除湿等功效。目前在国内外市场上日益受宠,供不应求。  黄鳝适应能力强,耐低氧、饥饿,便于运输,其养殖方法简便,成本低,经济效益高,适合家庭小规模养殖。国家
2016年12月7日,由奥地利安普设计生产的工业消防救援车成功交付给戴姆勒集团(Daimler AG)。安普与戴姆勒是多年的合作伙伴,由安普基于奔驰底盘改装的各类特种车辆应用于世界各地
2015年11月9日,神龙气车有限公司技术中心车身部实验室能力认证授牌仪式在汉阳专用汽车研究所(以下简称汉阳所)举行。经过近两年的建设,汉阳所零部件检测能力大力提升,得到了神龙公司的高度认可,被神龙公司技术中心授予“DPCA零部件试验设备认可证书”,这标志着汉阳所的检测能力又上了一个新的台阶。  汉阳所检测实力再上一个台阶的标志  我国第三方认证实验大体上可以分为法规性实验和企业研发委托性试验。此