
来源 :江苏通信技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:passiionlu
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长途传输集中监控系统的研制开发是一个较难的课题 ,主要原因是设备制式多 ,监控信息处理困难。较好的办法是将现有的设备按监控功能分为几大类 ,对不同类的设备分别接入不同的监控信息采集模块 ,设备上发出的告警、性能参数等信号经过采集模块的缓冲、翻译后输往监控处理机 ,监控处理机作进一步处理 ,再统一输到中央处理机 (服务器 )。维护人员通过监控终端 (客户机 )访问中央处理机 ,获得所需要的各种信息 ,完成一系列监控操作。研制集中监控系统的核心问题是系统的数据结构必须充分适应计算机运行和维护人员操作 ,并为今后的发展预留充分的扩展空间。 Long-distance transmission of centralized monitoring system research and development is a more difficult issue, mainly due to equipment and more monitoring information processing difficulties. A better approach is to divide the existing equipment into monitoring functions according to different categories and access different monitoring information collecting modules to different types of equipment respectively. Alarms, performance parameters and other signals sent by the equipment are buffered by the collecting module, Translated to the monitoring processor, monitoring processor for further processing, and then unified to the central processing unit (server). Maintenance personnel through the monitoring terminal (client) access to the central processing unit, access to all the information needed to complete a series of monitoring operations. The central problem of developing a centralized monitoring system is that the data structure of the system must be fully adapted to the operation and maintenance personnel of the computer and reserves sufficient space for future development.
32岁的张耀力(化名)是一名司机,前日开车时突感头晕,神志恍惚。他跑到附近卫生服务站量体温时,突然四肢抽搐,口吐白沫,昏了过去。卫生站忙将其送到 Zhang Yaoli, a 32-year-
近两年悄然刮起了“SRS”的发烧热潮。这种名为 SRS 的环绕声技术只用两只音箱就能产生具有三维空间感的环绕声场,并且对声源无需任何编码,更无需再添加环绕音箱及功放机。S
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蔬菜的化控栽培技术,就是应用从自然界中提取或人工合成的植物生长物质,和传统蔬菜栽培技术相结合,按人们的需要调节控制蔬菜的某些生育阶段和生育状况的技术。 The technol