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我们进行社会主义现代化建设,不仅需要引进外国的先进技术和科学的管理方法,而月也需要研究、借鉴、吸收其在理论思维方面的某些积极成果和经验教训,这对于提高我们的思维能力,无疑有重要的意义。我认为,从现代西方哲学本身和人类认识能力不断提高来看,对于现代西方哲学吸收主要是方法论问题。 (一) 整个现代西方哲学从形式上看,主义繁多,学派林立,各个学派之中的每个哲学家观点也不尽相同。多样性和多变性使现代西方哲学呈现一片纷乱混杂的局面,但不能由此说无规律可寻。回顾西方哲学发展的历史我们可以看到:由于18世纪康德对传统哲学的责难,为后人留下了‘未来科学的形而上学是如何可能的”问题,对于整个问题的不同回答,形成了三个不同方向的哲学:一个是以德国哲学家黑格尔对它的回答,另一个是与黑格尔差不多同时代的叔本华及后来的克尔·凯郭尔等人朝人本主义方向对康德的问题进行了回答,同时又是对黑格尔回答的批判。再一个是从孔德开始的实证主义或科学主义者,朝科学主义方面对康德提出的问题进行了回答,并且也批判了黑格尔的回答。只是同人本主义回答的角度不同。由此可见,现代西方哲学的产生是有其理论渊源 In carrying out the socialist modernization drive, we not only need to introduce advanced foreign technologies and scientific management methods, but we also need to study and draw lessons from and learn from some positive achievements and lessons learned in theoretical thinking in order to improve our thinking ability Undoubtedly have an important meaning. In my opinion, from the perspective of the modern Western philosophy itself and the ever-increasing awareness of human beings, the absorption of modern Western philosophy is mainly a matter of methodology. (A) the entire modern Western philosophy From the formal point of view, many schools of thought, various schools, and each philosopher among the various schools of thought also vary. Diversity and variability make the modern Western philosophy appear a mixed situation, but can not say that there is no law to find. Recalling the history of the development of Western philosophy, we can see that due to the censure of traditional philosophy by Kant in the 18th century, the question of “how is metaphysics of the future science is possible” was left to future generations and three different responses to the entire question were formed Philosophies in different directions: one is based on the answer given by German philosopher Hegel and the other is about Schopenhauer and later Kerr Kegel, who were almost contemporary with Hegel, in the direction of humanism Kant’s question was replied, at the same time it was a critique of Hegel’s answer, and the other was a positivist or scientist who started with Comte, answering the questions asked by Kant toward Scientism and also criticized Hegel’s answer is only different from the angle of humanistic answer, so we can see that the emergence of modern Western philosophy has its own theoretical origin
【正】 贫困县的一般经济特征,是农业经济占据主导地位,绝大部分人口依赖农业生存,农业产值在工农业总产值中所占的比重很大;农业提供的收入在人均收入和财政收入中所占比重