
来源 :云南消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxw364963027
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1994年7月27日,云南省人民代表大会常务委员会第八届人民代表大会通过了《云南省消防群防群治条例》,至此,我省消防群防群治工作开始步入法制的轨道.消防工作是经济建设的重要保障,它直接影响经济的发展和社会的安定.同时,它又是一项社会性较强的工作.因此,在各级人民政府的统一领导下,动员、组织、协调社会各方力量,运用政治、经济、法律、行政、教育等多种手段,综合治理消防安全秩序,最大限度地减少火灾危害,保证社会稳定和经济建设的顺利进行是新时期做好消防工作的有效形式.消防群防群治的核心是形成全社会共同关心、共同参与消防群防群治的格局.为此,《条例》将消防群防群治作为社会治安综合治理的内容,纳入各级政府及各部门领导责任制;政府有关部门、学校、社会团体及每个社会成员有其各自的防火社会责任;如设立防火安全委员会、重点防火单位必须与公安消防监督机构签订防火安全责任保证书,不履行责任的,应承担应有的法律责任.通过齐抓共管,使防火灭火的各项措施在各行业各单位、各个基层组织得到切实落实. July 27, 1994, Yunnan Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee of the Eighth People’s Congress passed the “Yunnan Fire Prevention and Control Regulations”, thus, our province fire prevention and control of groups began to step into the orbit of the rule of law. Fire protection work is an important guarantee for economic construction, which directly affects the economic development and social stability. At the same time, it is also a socially-intensive work. Therefore, under the unified leadership of the people’s governments at all levels, mobilization, organization, Coordinate the strength of all social sectors and use various means such as politics, economy, law, administration and education to comprehensively manage the order of fire safety, minimize fire hazards, and ensure social stability and economic construction proceed well in the new era. The effective form of fire prevention group prevention and treatment is the core of the formation of the whole society to jointly care about and participate in the pattern of prevention and treatment of fire prevention and control group.To this end, the “Ordinance” will fire prevention and treatment of mass group as a comprehensive management of public security content, Level government and departmental leadership responsibility system; relevant government departments, schools, social groups and each member of the community have their own fire safety social responsibility; such as the establishment of fire safety committee Yes, the key fire safety units must sign the fire safety responsibility guarantee letter with the public security fire control supervisory body, and they should bear the due legal responsibility.With concerted efforts, various measures to prevent fire and fire have been implemented in various units and organizations at all levels Be effectively implemented.
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