开通赣粤运河 带动老区经济发展

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全国政协委员、交通部海事局副局长刘德洪告诉笔者,他向大会提交了题为《开通赣粤运河,奠定育民之基》的提案。刘德洪委员说:“开通赣粤运河,打开中国水路的南大门,形成中国另一南北贯通的运河,是非常必要的,是当今国力条件下可以实现的。赣粤运河通航后,将为我国经济的发展,特别是为革命老区的经济发展带来明显的效益,符合可持续发展战略,将为强国富民奠定永久之基。”刘德洪委员指出,开通赣粤运河,一是可明显缩短运输里程,即从九江,经鄱阳 Liu Dehong, member of the CPPCC National Committee and deputy director of the Maritime Bureau of the Ministry of Communications, told the author that he submitted a proposal entitled “Opening the Canal in Jiangxi and Guangdong and Laying the Foundation for Education for All”. Member Liu Dehong said: “It is very necessary to open the southern gateway to China’s waterway to open the southern gate of China’s waterway and form another canyon that runs through China’s north and south, which can be achieved under the current national conditions. The economic development, in particular, has brought obvious benefits to the economic development of the old revolutionary base areas in line with the strategy of sustainable development and will lay a permanent foundation for strengthening the country and enriching the people. ”Member Liu Dehong pointed out that the opening of the Canal in Jiangxi and Guangdong Province can obviously shorten the transportation Mileage, that is, from Jiujiang, Poyang
近日读《大师——陈寅恪》,了解到陈寅恪晚年,双目失明,境遇凄然,但幸运的是遇到了三位“知己”。他们分别是当了他13年助教的黄萱,替他挨批斗的学生刘节,还有帮他整理200多万字《陈寅恪文集》的学生蒋天枢。  黄萱女士是闽南爱国华侨巨商的女儿,自幼受过良好的教育,尤其古典文学底子相当深厚。1951年11月黄萱经人介绍试任陈寅恪助教,当时黄萱年届四十,是岭南大学医学院院长的夫人,可谓身份显贵,但她为人低
圬工梁裂纹是一种较为普遍的桥梁病害,如不及时处理,可能会危及行车安全。本文着重介绍了对长东黄河大桥圬工梁裂纹的治理方法及其效果,希望能够对其它桥梁有所借鉴。 圬 Be