他是中国律师的知音 一名律师近距离接触江平教授的肺腑之言

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提起“江平”这个响亮的名字.在业内用“如雷贯耳”来形容不算夸张。江老的人品、学识对于我们这些法律界的晚辈而言如泰山、北斗。多少年来只是通过江老著作以及媒体报道领略大师的风采。在中国律师2000年大会上.第一次有幸在演讲台下远距离地见到了江老,当时他30分钟慷慨激昂的精彩演讲,把我和在场的律师带到了一个崇高的境界——执业十几年来,从未有过的感觉——原来律师的使命如此神圣!或许是现实中的执业感受与这个境界反差太大,所以,此后我便成为了江老的崇拜者。因为他的思想能使现实中处境尴尬的律师寻求精神解脱和升华。这对于终日为事务缠身,为温饱奔波的律师们来说是多么重要的精神家园和思想港湾啊!从这个意义说,我有点把江老“神化”了。 Mention “Jiang Ping ” the loud name in the industry with “Thunder ” to describe it is not an exaggeration. Jiang Lao's character, knowledge of these juniors of our legal community, such as Mount Tai, Beidou. In the past few years, I have only got acquainted with the master's style through the writings of Jiang Lao and the media. At the Chinese lawyer's 2000 conference, Jiang was very fortunate to meet Jiang in the distance for the first time. During his 30-minute impassioned speech, he and my lawyer were brought to a lofty level - practicing a dozen For years, the feeling I had never had before - the original lawyer's mission was so sacred! Perhaps the reality of practice is too great for this realm, so I became an admirer of Jianglao since then. Because his thinking can make the reality of the embarrassing lawyers seeking spiritual relief and sublimation. This is an important spiritual home and ideological harbor for lawyers who have always been involved in business affairs and have plenty to eat and drink. In this sense, I have somewhat “deified” Jiang.
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