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明确档案的所有权,是明确各方面对于档案的权利与义务的基础,是国家对档案工作正确履行监督指导职能的前提,因而也就成为制定和执行档案法规不可回避的一个重要问题。国家档案局局长韩毓虎同志在六届全国人大常委会第21次会议上所作《关于〈中华人民共和国档案法〉的说明》中讲:“鉴于我国生产资料三种所有制形式的存在,在档案的所有制方面同样也存在着三种形式。如何把国家实行集中统一管理的原则和不同所有制统一起来,是关系到如何正确处理和维护国家、集体和个人之间的利益的问题。我们根据《宪法》的规定精神,既要承认和保护集体和个人的档案所有权,又要根据国家利益的需要采取有重点、有区别的管理和制约。”这就为我们理解和贯彻执行《档案法》有关档案所有权的规定,提供了基本的依据。社会主义社会,特别是初级阶段,只有属于国家和全民的档案才归国家所有,并不是所有的档案都属于国家、归国家所有。可是,长期以来,由于受“左”的思想影响,我们的一些教科书和发表的重要文章,给人们造成一种“档案都属于国家、归国家所有”的不确切观念,否认了我国社会主义社会还存在多种档案所有权的客观现实。谨举数例如下。 Clarifying the ownership of archives is the basis for clarifying the rights and obligations of archives for all parties concerned. It is also a precondition for the state to correctly perform the functions of supervision and guidance over archival work, and thus becomes an important issue that can not be avoided in formulating and implementing archival laws and regulations. Comrade Han Yuhu, director of the National Archives Bureau, said in his “Statement on Archives Law of the People's Republic of China” at the 21st meeting of the 6th NPC Standing Committee: “In view of the existence of the three forms of ownership of the means of production in our country, There are also three forms of respect.How to unify the principle of centralized state administration and different ownership systems in a country is a question that concerns how to correctly handle and safeguard the interests of the state, the collective and the individual.According to the Constitution To stipulate the spirit, we must recognize and protect the archives ownership of collectives and individuals as well as adopt important and differentiated management and control measures in accordance with the needs of our national interest. ”This will help us to understand and implement the archives ownership of the Archives Law Provisions provide the basic basis. In socialist society, especially in the primary stage, only the archives belonging to the state and the entire people are owned by the state. Not all archives belong to the state and are owned by the state. However, for a long time, due to the influence of the “leftist” ideology, some of our textbooks and important articles published have given people an inexcusable idea that “the archives belong to the state and are owned by the state,” denying the socialist society in our country There are many objective reality of file ownership. Here are a few examples.
今年春暖明前多 ,  四月喜迎“开茶节”;龙井茶香飘五洲 ,  御茶先敬八方客 ;姑娘巧手演茶艺 ,  游园采茶又听歌 ;龙井茶宴天下先 ,  不知天堂是人间。祝开茶节@刘家
档案修复要求对原件整旧如旧,但在实际工作中,档案的破损形式是各式各样的,尤其是蝴蝶装书籍,自古至今有多种不同的装订方法,这给修复工作带来了困难。 蝴蝶装虽有多种装订
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针对攀钢200 t钢包,结合物理模拟与数值模拟,研究了一定底吹氩流量和时间条件下钢水流动行为与夹杂物去除率的关系.结果表明,夹杂物去除率受气泡、旋涡和液面速度影响.当吹氩