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美国次贷危机引起的华尔街风暴,现在已经演变为全球性的金融危机。这个过程发展之快,数额之大,影响之巨,可以说是人们始料未及的。虽然多半依赖自给的中国整体经济环境受到的影响相对较小,但部分行业还是受到重大影响。艺术产业一直依赖国外资本,与金融的关系更是千丝万缕,加之艺术市场不成熟、不规范的运作,所以当金融危机到来之时,受到影响自然非常巨大。从下面的表格中我们可以看到此次2008秋拍各大拍卖行中国现当代艺术及油画雕塑专场的成交额与春拍相比的情况,皆缩水50%以上。当然,这样的拍卖结果原因并不仅是金融危机,更是中国现当代艺术在经历了前几年的飞速发展后的自我调整的过程。本期拍卖专题,将分为国际拍卖、国内拍卖两部分以世界金融环境为切入点对中国现当代艺术拍卖市场进行深度的横向纵向的对比、分析和综述 The Wall Street storm caused by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis has now evolved into a global financial crisis. The rapid development of this process, the amount of large, huge impact, it can be said that people unexpected. Although the overall economic environment in China, which is mostly dependent on self-sufficiency, is relatively less affected, some sectors are still greatly affected. The art industry has always relied on foreign capital. The relationship with the financial industry is inextricably linked. In addition to the immature and non-standard operation of the art market, it is naturally very much affected when the financial crisis comes. From the table below we can see the auction of the 2008 autumn auction of Chinese contemporary art and oil painting specialties compared to the spring auction turnover, are shrinking more than 50%. Of course, the reason for such auction results is not only the financial crisis, but also the process of self-adjustment of Chinese contemporary and contemporary art after its rapid development in previous years. This auction topic will be divided into international auction, domestic auction two parts of the world financial environment as a starting point on the Chinese contemporary art auction market depth horizontal vertical comparison, analysis and review
宣传(Publicity) 虽然内情通报、作者旅行宣传、电视曝光等对学术书机会不多,而一份细心的宣传计划却可大大增加一些重要图书的销售机会。 美国鲍克公司通过一系列书目,对出
巴塞尔展会除了在convention center的主会场外,还在外围设立了各种形式的展览与特别艺术项目: Botanical Gardens,录像艺术沙龙(Art Video Lounge)只需过一条马路,便从人工
介绍中药洋金花提取的主要成分(东莨菪碱)对马的麻醉效果和生理功能的影响,从而找到增强麻醉和减少副作用的方法,以用于马的外科手术。 The effects of scopolamine, the main c