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马克思主义法律观是马克思、恩格斯等马克思主义经典作家在系统阐述自己的思想和理论的过程中所阐发的关于法律的基本立场、观点和理论。运用历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义的世界观和方法论,探究其理论渊源、基本内涵及主要思想,对科学对待马克思主义法律观和社会主义法治建设实践都具有重要意义。 Marxist legal concept is the basic standpoint, viewpoint and theory about law expounded by Marxist classic writers such as Marx and Engels during their systematic elaboration of their own thoughts and theories. Using the world outlook and methodology of historical materialism and dialectical materialism to explore its theoretical origins, basic connotations and major ideas is of great significance for the scientific treatment of Marxist legal concepts and the construction of the socialist legal system.
Effective depth of dynamic compaction was summarized, and the advantages of dynamic compaction technology of effective depth were analyzed elaborately. The form
与 dodecylbenzenesulfonic 酸(DBSA ) 和 sulfosalicylic (SSA ) 的多重磺酸系统做的 Polyaniline (平底锅) 被当面每硫酸盐(APS ) 把铵用作氧化剂的乳液聚合和 0.8 T 的一
基于详细 petrographic 学习, Weiya 斑粝岩和构造含意的来源区域的特征被学习。结果证明 gabbroic 岩石主要由斑粝岩组成,与 ultra-mafic 岩石的更少的数量。ultra-mafic 岩石
The porous tiles under the dry and wet conditions were studied. The simplified mathematical model was put forward to simulate the procedure of moisture evaporat
The downstream water-air heat and moisture transfer system in a moving coordinate was studied. The relationship between the diameter of the misted droplets and
目的比较宫腔镜手术患者舒芬太尼复合七氟醚喉罩全麻和舒芬太尼复合丙泊酚靶控输注喉罩全麻的效果及费用。方法选择80例ASA Ⅰ~Ⅱ级择期无痛宫腔镜患者,随机分成舒芬太尼复合
目的提高上消化出血患者病情观察的预见性。研究Glasgow-Blatchford score(GBS)评分在上消化出血患者中评估入院后再出血危险性的分级护理中的应用。方法选取90例我院收治的上