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审美理论是审美意识中居于最高层次的审美范畴。它是渗透着一定观念要求的具体意象,是人们在与现实的审美关系中产生的具体意象,是人们在与现实的审美关系中产生的一种指向未来的创造性想象。它以具象性区别于一般理想,又以意识性区别于社会发展规律。审美理想是在社会现实基础上产一的,但又经由情感的驱动,通过审美想象和幻想这个中介,表现出英大的创造性,从而实现对现存审美关系和审美对象的扬弃和超越 Aesthetic theory is the highest aesthetic category in aesthetic consciousness. It is a concrete image permeated with certain concept requirements, a concrete image produced by people in the aesthetic relationship with reality, and a creative imagination pointing to the future produced by people in the aesthetic relationship with reality. It distinguishes itself from the general ideal with figurativeness and distinguishes it from the law of social development with consciousness. Aesthetic ideals are produced on the basis of social reality, but they are driven by emotions to show their great creativity through the intermediary of aesthetic imagination and illusion so as to achieve the sublation and surpassing of existing aesthetic relations and aesthetic objects
许多年过去了,我还清晰地记得升入高中后上第一堂课时的情景:一个身材清瘦、脸上戴着一副黑框宽边眼镜的中年男子步入教室,他就是我们的新班主任。我们看见,班主任的 After
Because visitors to any country are unfamiliar with public bus or sub-way systems, they are likely to travel by taxi when they first arrive. In most Because vi
(A)  Borrow Tennis Racket  Mary: Are you going to use your bike today?  Jane: Yes. I am sorry.  Mary: Good, then you won’t need your tennis racket. May I borrow it?    借网球拍  玛丽:你今天要用你的自行车吗?  简:是的,很抱歉。
邓州一高2007年高考成绩优异,在去年本科进线突破千人大关的基础上,今年本科进线再次大幅攀升,本科进线1518人,首次突破1500人大关,创历史新高。 Dengzhou High School had