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背景:脑肿瘤的危险因素已经有许多流行病学调查研究,同时从群体遗传学角度对其研究尚需探讨。目的:揭示脑胶质细胞瘤是否与遗传因素有关及关联的程度和遗传的方式等。设计:以诊断为依据的病例对照研究。地点与对象:选择1989-09/2000-09在黑龙江省六大医院神经外科住院的80例患者为病例组,所有患者经外科摘除手术和病理诊断为原发、初发脑胶质细胞瘤,在上述医院其他外科病房选择同期住院、性别相同、年龄同一段(±2.5岁)、居住地相同或相近、排除肿瘤和头部疾病的其他患者(共160例)作为对照组。方法:采用1∶2配比病例对照研究方法,按标准化调查表中项目当面采访。主要观察指标:与对照组比较家族史、曾患率,与人群比较发病率,估算遗传率。结果:在80例脑胶质细胞瘤患者中,有家族史者3例,而在160例对照中,无家族史存在(P=0.036);病例组一级亲属该病曾患率为4.73/10000,对照组一级亲属中无人患病(P=0.037);病例组一级亲属该病曾患率与人群发病率比较,差异有显著性意义(u=231.56,P<0.0005);病例组一级亲属该病遗传率为56%。结论:脑胶质细胞瘤具有遗传倾向,且不符合单基因显性遗传的1/2或隐性遗传的1/4规律,可能与多基因遗传有关,环境因素的作用也不容忽视。 BACKGROUND: There are many epidemiological studies on the risk factors of brain tumors, and its research needs to be studied from the perspective of population genetics. Objective: To reveal whether glioma is related to genetic factors and the degree of association and genetic means. Design: A case-control study based on diagnosis. Location and Subjects: Eighty-eight patients hospitalized in the Department of Neurosurgery of the Six Hospitals of Heilongjiang Province from September 1989 to September 2000 were selected as the case group. All patients were diagnosed as primary and primary brain glioma by surgical removal and pathological diagnosis. In the other surgical wards of the above-mentioned hospitals, 160 patients with the same hospitalization, same sex, same age (± 2.5 years), same residence or similar residence, and tumor and head diseases were excluded as the control group. Methods: 1: 2 ratio of case-control study method, according to the standard questionnaire interviewed in the project. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Compared with the control group, family history, prevalence rate, incidence rate compared with the population, estimated heritability. Results: Of the 80 patients with glioma, 3 had family history, while in 160 controls there was no family history (P = 0.036). The prevalence of first-degree relatives in case group was 4.73 / 10000 (P = 0.037). There was a significant difference between the first-degree relatives of the first-degree relatives in the case group and the incidence of the crowd (u = 231.56, P <0.0005) Relatives of the disease heritability was 56%. Conclusion: Glioma cells have genetic predisposition and do not meet the ½ of the single gene dominant or 1/4 of the recessive inheritance, which may be related to polygenic inheritance. The role of environmental factors should not be ignored.
本文以两种实用的数控系统为例,说明了数控系统的设计方法及联接关系,揭示了它们的内部构造和如何对外设进行控制,阐述了机与电是怎样结合在一起的。。 J_1BNC320数控车床主