
来源 :小麦研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyc618
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通过多年的小区试验、高产攻关与高产示范,对小麦的穗数和产量进行了研究。结果表明:在充足氮素供应的条件下,土壤中的磷素含量,若在24mg/kg以上,施用磷肥对促蘖增穗不起作用或虽有一定效果,但产量差异不显著;若在10mg/kg以上,增施磷肥能显著促进分蘖生长、穗数增加和产量提高。小麦于越冬、返青期追肥浇水,能够巩固冬前分蘖,增加春季分蘖,提高分蘖成穗数。但越冬、返青期浇水不宜过早或过晚,以日平均气温稳定通过0℃的积温,年前达60℃左右为浇越冬水的适宜时间;年后达80℃左右为浇返青水的适时日期。年前施肥较多,年后生长势较强的麦田,返青、起身期应采取控制措施,以免群体过大,造成倒伏,根据麦苗发展趋势于拔节前后进行肥水管理,但一般不应晚于旗叶露尖。 Through many years of plot experiments, high yield research and high yield demonstration, the number of spikes and yield of wheat were studied. The results showed that under the condition of adequate supply of nitrogen, if the content of phosphorus in the soil was above 24mg / kg, the application of phosphate fertilizer had no effect on tillering and panicle growth, although there was a certain effect, but there was no significant difference in yield. Above 10mg / kg, the application of phosphate fertilizer can significantly promote tillering growth, spike number and yield increase. Wheat in the winter, green top dressing and watering, can consolidate tillering in winter, increase the tillering in spring and increase the number of tillers into ears. However, overwintering, greening watering should not be too early or too late to the daily average temperature stable through the accumulated temperature of 0 ℃, up to 60 ℃ years ago for the pouring more appropriate winter time; year after about 80 ℃ poured green water Timely date Fertilization years ago, more years after growing strong wheat fields, green, starting period should take control measures to avoid groups are too large, causing lodging, according to the development trend of wheat seedlings in the jointing before and after fertilizer and water management, but generally should not be later than the flag Leafy tip.
第一部分 肾脏滤过功能损伤实验室诊断指标的系统评价 目的 评价反映肾脏滤过功能损伤的血清生化标志物胱蛋白酶抑制剂(Cystatin C,Cyst C)、肌酐(creatinine,Crea)、β2-微球
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目的:  了解湖南省湘东地区40岁以上中老年人群膝关节骨关节炎(osteoarthritis,OA)的患病现状,探讨其发病特点和危险因素,为该地区膝关节OA的防治提供依据。  方法:  采用
摘要:教师是教育影响的主导者、 支配者,教师的一个皱眉、一个微笑对学生的影响都是深刻而长久的。从某种意义上来说,心理不健康的教师对学生身心造成的危害,远远超过其教学能力低下对学生学业所产生的影响。本文试从查找问题、分析成因、寻求对策等三个方面来加以论述。  关键词:心理健康状况成因对策  一、教师心理健康状况不良的主要表现  1、躯体化。主要反映身体不适,包括心血管、胃肠道、呼吸和其他系统的不适,
目的:建立大鼠经股动脉穿刺超选择性肝动脉插管模型,观察肝动脉灌注(Hepatic arterial infusion,HAI)贝伐单抗介入治疗大鼠肝泡状棘球蚴病,并与对照组的疗效、血浆血管内皮生长因
准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(Laser in situ kerotomileusis,LASIK)保留了角膜的上皮和前弹力层的完整性,更符合角膜的生理,具有良好的预测性、有效性和稳定性。由于LASIK手术可矫
目的:  应用超声心动图评价尿毒症患者单次血液透析左心室功能已有较多报道,但对血液透析前后左心室功能变化的研究甚少。本研究应用实时三平面(Real-timeTriplane)自动功能