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我省一百零一個縣(市)人民代表大會都於四月底以前召開了會議。各地在這次會議上,安排了春季生產,傳達了省人民代表大會第二次會議精神,審查與通過了政府工作報告和計劃,確定了當前各項重大任務,選舉了縣(市)人民委員會組成人員和同級人民法院院長。鄉、鎮人民代表大會也都在縣(市)人民代表大會會議以前或以後舉行了一次會議,改組了鄉、鎮人民政府,研究佈置了當前工作。會議强調認真展開批評與自我批評審查政府工作。各地在政府工作報告和有關部門專題發言中,多能貫穿自我批評的精神,對與會代表很有啓發,因之,代表們也多能以‘知無不言,言無不盡’的熊度,審查了政府工作,提出了不少有益的批評意見。在城市方面:代表們對貿易和供銷合 One hundred and one county (city) People’s Congress of our province held a meeting before the end of April. At this meeting, various localities arranged spring production, conveyed the spirit of the second meeting of the Provincial People’s Congress, reviewed and approved the government work reports and plans, determined all the major tasks for the time being, and composed the people’s committees of counties (cities) Personnel and the people’s court at the same level. The township and town people’s congresses also held a meeting before or after the county (city) People’s Congress meeting, and reorganized the township and town people’s government to study and arrange the current work. The meeting stressed that serious criticism and self-criticism of the review of government work. Throughout the government work report and speeches delivered by relevant departments, various localities and municipalities have been able to carry out their own self-criticism and are very inspired by the delegates. Therefore, delegates are also able to use their bear Reviewed the work of the government and put forward many useful criticisms. In the urban area: Delegates to trade and supply and marketing cooperation
Reliable quantitative estimation of bed aggradation or degradation is important for river-training and water management projects. With the development
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