A Marvelous summer resort

来源 :中国-东盟博览(旅游版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kunming
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  Meandering forward like a giant dragon, Shennongjia occupies a part of the Bachu area and coils itself around the Qinling Mountains. For nature lovers, strolling in the virgin forest would be an incredible experience, especially in the burning summer. Apart from being the treasure trove for those explorers and visitors, the inspiration source for those men of letters, and the revelry for those drum dancers, Shennongjia has been gradually thrust into the limelight as one of the best cities in China to escape the summer heat. In the summer days, with the eyeful sumptuous and verdant forest, as well as rushing rain and whistling wind, Shennongjia turns out to be a fairyland.
  Beckoning lakes insulated from summer
  The natives often say: “If you haven’t been to the Dajiuhu Lake National Wetland Park, you have never been to Shennongjia.” As a scenic spot located in southwest Shennongjia, Dajiuhu Lake looks like the outpost of the Daba Mountains.
  Dajiuhu Lake’s name comes from the fact that it consists of nine lakes. Connected by a flowing stream, a total of nine different lakes are surrounded by mountains. As the largest and highest wetland in central China, Dajiuhu Lake is located at the junction of Sichuan, Chongqing and Hubei. In summer, there is a fairyland filled with a diverse collection of blooming flowers. Moreover, due to its unique environment, Dajiuhu Lake National Wetland Park serves as a perfect inland sub-tropical forest ecosystem where precious plants such as liriodendron chinense and cercidiphyllum japonicum multiply, and rare animals such as golden monkey, white crane and golden eagle live.
  Dajiuhu Lake National Wetland Park is well-known for its three types of beauty. Firstly, surrounded by mountains, Dajiuhu Lake National Wetland Park is mainly a mountain basin which is both spacious and peaceful. Secondly, the grassland and thick forest provide an ideal living condition for many different types of plants. The combination of beautiful red crabapple trees, limpid river and majestic sprawling grassland also makes for a pleasant sightseeing experience. And thirdly, herds of cattle and flocks of sheep make this place more dynamic, and the world under the surface of the lake fills this place with wonder.
  Dajiuhu Lake is not only a scenic spot with sparkling lakes in the general sense, but also a land with historical sites. It is difficult to imagine that the quiet and peaceful Dajiuhu Lake was once troubled by flames of war. Behind a series of noted historical sites including Horse Bathing Pond, Tomb of the Imperial Concubines and Armor Unloading Site, there are engrossing stories one after another.   By virtue of its moderate weather and the splendid natural scenery, the average daily temperature of Dajiuhu Lake National Wetland Park in summer is only about 15 degrees, making it a perfect place to spend hot summer. Surrounding by water, you will be bathed in coolness and never feel the insufferable summer hot. If you are an outdoor enthusiast, you can also go camping and fishing, play cage football or enjoy role-playing with the video game Counter Strike. Being intoxicated in such views, you will be reluctant to wake up any longer.
  A land of natural wonders
  Mountains in Shennongjia seem like rough men, bold and vigorous, while waters in Shennongjia can be delicately ladies, gentle and dainty. It is a blessing for Shennongjia that the God has created her, and it is a pride for the God that Shennongjia nestles in his arms. Shennongjia owns breathtaking beautiful stillness, with a kind of purity that deserves your tenderness. She hints mysteriousness that attracts you to linger on with her. I only wish I could revel in this fantastic Shennongjia forever!
  Located in the south part of Shennongjia, Fengjingya Scenic Spot is unique and enchanting. Within the valley, there are a lot of strange stones. The stone forest stands against endless emerald-green mountains, with different shapes. At a far distance, there are thousands peaks that look like dancing dragon and snake. When you look up the huge mountains, you can approach their heavy souls and admire their deep silence. When you look around to get a broad view of the peaks, the forest fluctuates like the sea waves. With the blazing sun, rosy clouds and spectacular sights and boundless forest, Fengjingya Scenic Spot creates a land of idyllic beauty, without a slight touch of mannerism.
  After walking for a few minutes, Xiangxiyuan Scenic Area would simply appear in front of you. Xiangxiyuan in Chinese literally means the source of Xiangxi River — a tributary of Yantze River. Year after year, this marvelous river creates beautiful legends one after another. About the sources about Xiangxiyuan’s name, there was a legend that Wang Zhaojun (one of the four beauties in ancient China) lived near the river and often washed her hands in the river, therefore the river became fragrant. During the hot summer, Xiangxiyuan offers travellers many kinds of tour items, such as receiving hydrotherapy, enjoying a cup of tea in the tea house, camping, exploring primitive forest, searching for wild man and the habitat of golden monkey.
  Hongping Gallery, a small valley area with the length of 15 kilometers, was praised as a natural gallery. There are one river, two brooks, three waterfalls, four bridges, five deep pools, six caves, seven towers, eight strongholds, nine stones and 36 peaks. Countless of wild flowers are dotting around the waterfalls, pools, caves and streams, forming a long beautiful gallery, hence its name. By virtue of its peaks, cave stones, rivers, waterfalls and bridges, there is a comprehensive description about the Hongping Gallery: “Wonderful, strange, dangerous and elegant”.
盛夏酷暑,炎炎夏日激得人们欲寻一方清凉之地。有“华中屋脊”之称的神农架绝对是纳凉养性的好地方,即便各地在这样的季节里早已骄阳似火,但神农架依然林木葱笼、绿荫蔽日,整个林区山青水秀、气候宜人,哪怕在最热的7月份日均气温也不足20℃,温凉的气候使神农架宛如一个巨大的天然空调,成为大自然专为人类打造的“避暑行宫”。  神农架名称的由来,源于炎帝神农氏在这里采尝百草时,架木为梯以助攀援,架木为屋以避风寒,
在神农顶上俯瞰整个神农架景区,将满目云海、竹林、以及那遍山杜鹃尽显的火红摄入眸里,耳边还是缓缓的风声,隐隐有人声传来,像极了村庄里听过的戏曲。只见那个人背着竹篓子,步步健稳,在渐行渐远中咿呀呀地唱着《山伯访友》的选段,他唱——  “叫四九啊,带过来呀,能行走站,梁山伯我  “撩蓝衫呀,跨上吊鞍,想昔年哪,在杭州啊  攻读书卷,结拜了哪,祝九红呀,弟兄称赞  归家时啊,小贤弟哪,对我来谈,小妹呀  
随着古代海上丝绸之路的开通,中原的货物与人流来到始发港合浦,不只是简单的货物交换,更促进了合浦南珠贸易的兴起。而珍珠则成为了合浦汉文化积累发展的永恒主题。  合浦,这个海上丝绸之路始发港的边陲古郡,名因珠起,地因珠著,南珠传奇上下两千年。  珠还合浦  合浦产珠历史悠久,据《合浦县志》记载,合浦自东向西沿海共有乌泥、平江、青婴、断望、杨梅、白沙、海猪沙等七大古珠池,古珠池里有大量天然珍珠,从东周桓
地方气候  大叻风光明媚,四季如春,这里只有雨季和旱季之分。  每年的4月到10月是大叻的雨季,其中6到8月大量游客会来此避暑,是旅游旺季。而11月到3月是旱季,降水少,天气干爽舒适,是游览大叻的极好时间。  货币  越南的货币单位:国际货币符号(ISO 4217)为VND。  汇率:1人民币元=3428.1476越南盾 (2017年6月)  货币兑换: 各城市的银行、金店、旅行社和一些旅馆都可以
喜欢旅行的朋友们在出行前一定常常苦恼着如何打包行李才能让旅行轻松愉快,那么现在就一起来长长见识,看看有什么旅行神器可以利用吧!  旅行收纳包  旅行收纳包具有多种功能,可以将行李按照分类收拾整齐,一些零碎的东西诸如数据线、洗漱用品、耳机线等都可以放在专用的小包里,拉上拉链卷起来就变成了四四方方的豆腐块,装在旅行箱里也规整。同样的收纳包还有鞋子收纳包,如果旅行的目的地是山林湖海,或者是雪地沙滩,那准
斗鸡游戏起源于亚洲,约有4000多年的历史。而斗鸡作为一种娱乐活动大约已有1000多年,在亚洲的许多国家,如印尼、缅甸、老挝、菲律宾、柬埔寨、中国等都有类似项目。  柬埔寨的吴哥窟建立于1000多年前,在那些历史古迹中,时常能看见斗鸡石雕的身影。在泰国,斗鸡则被视为一项传统文化,从素可泰王朝、大城王朝到目前的拉玛王朝,上至帝王,下至百姓,普遍认为斗鸡是一种精神,是人敬畏自然的精神,是人顺应动物自然
印尼拥有2.5亿人口,超过500个少数民族和300多个方言,由17000个岛屿组成。在印尼这块肥沃的土地上滋生了绵延千年的文化,深受各种宗教背景及独特的地理影响。  印尼80%的人口是穆斯林,也是世界穆斯林人口最多的国家。印尼的穆斯林十分虔诚,他们不仅体现了伊斯兰教的生活习俗,而且,还塑造了印度尼西亚的文化。同时,信仰其他宗教的信徒也能自由履行其宗教义务。总之,印尼是一个包容和多样化的现代化国家。
Named after the legendary Shennongshi (one of the ancestors of Chinese people), Shennongjia Nature Reserve located in the northwestern area of Hubei Province is considered as a treasure of wildlife. I
吴苏媚,曾用笔名菊开那夜。热爱自由的水瓶座女子,爱看电影,爱看书,专职游手好闲,文字清冷、优美、淡雅。出版有《像嬉皮那样晃荡行走》、《去印度学倒立》、《我的中东》、《我在路上爱过你》、《旅人来自不同星球》等作品。  我是在巴基斯坦拉合尔的旅馆听到“Maggie”这个名字的,当时她这个中国妹子在巴基斯坦游客圈里可算是出名了,因为她的法国男友签证、护照同时过期,被关在了白沙瓦的监狱里,一关就是两个月。