X射线的应用曾引起医学上的革命,现在,科学家们期待着X射线在工业领域的竞争中再创奇迹。 新药、纤维、催化剂等仅是研究人员希望应用世界上最强大的(Brightest)X射线机来开展研究的许多领域中的几个。该X射线机就是新近在阿贡实验室正式落成的APS(Advanced PhOto Source)。
The use of X-rays has given rise to a medical revolution and scientists are now looking forward to another miracle of X-ray competition in the industrial arena. New drugs, fibers, catalysts and more are just a few of the many areas in which researchers hope to conduct research using the Brightest X-ray machines in the world. The X-ray machine is the newly completed APG (Advanced PhOto Source) at Argonne Laboratory.