Woody Species Diversity and Forest Structure from Lowland to Montane Forest in Hyrcanian Forest Ecor

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lujun3
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Alborz Mountains host Caspian Hyrcanian forest ecoregion along the northern slopes and forest steppe ecoregion in highlands. Hyrcanian forest covers the southeastern part of Caucasus biodiversity hotspot and is of great biogeographic importance. Altitudinal pattern and correlation between woody species biodiversity (DIV), forest structure ((stem density (DEN), mean basal area (MBA) and mean height class (MHC)) and disturbance (DIS) were explored along 2,400 m altitudinal gradient in Hyrcanian relict forest, Central Alborz Mountains. Vegetation changes from lowland forest (LoF) to mid- altitude forest (MiF) and montane forest (MoF) in this area. The altitudinal gradient was divided into twelve 200 m elevational belts. Point centered quarter method (PCQM) with 96 sampling points and 83 vegetation samples by plot method (PM) were used to record field data. Shannon-Wiener index and Pearson coefficient were used for diversity and correlation analysis. The results showed that DEN decreased linearly, MBA and MHC showed relatively hump shaped and DIS showed a reverse hump shaped pattern of change along altitudinal gradient. Woody species diversity decreased non-steadily from LoF to MoF. Transitional vegetations of Carpinus-Fagus and Fagus-Quercus represented higher diversity of woody taxa compared to adjacent homogenous communities. Significant correlation was observed between altitude and all parameters: DEN with MBA, DIS and DIV; MBA with DIS; MHC with DIS along with DIV; and DIS with DIV at the study area scale. Surprisingly,correlation between studied parameters differed within each vegetation type. Altitude probably acts as a proxy for human and environmental driving forces in this area. Stability of warm and wet condition, season length, soil depth along with forest accessibility probably influences the altitudinal pattern of the studied parameters. Disturbance affects forest structure and consequently diversity; especially in lowlands. The obtained results recommend using both forest biodiversity and mensuration data in management process of forest ecosystems. Alborz Mountains host Caspian Hyrcanian forest ecoregion along the northern slopes and forest steppe ecoregion in highlands. Hyrcanian forest covers the southeastern part of Caucasus biodiversity hotspot and is of great biogeographic importance. Altitudinal pattern and correlation between woody species biodiversity (DIV), forest structure ( Vegetation changes from the lowland forest (LoF) and the disturbance of the upper alkaloid (Trichoderma reesei) in the Central Alborz Mountains (stem density (DEN), mean basal area (MBA) and mean height class (MHC)) and disturbance (DIS) were explored along 2,400 m altitudinal gradient in Hyrcanian relict forest, The mid-altitude forest (MiF) and montane forest (MoF) in this area. The altitudinal gradient was divided into twelve 200 m elevational belts. Point centered quarter method (PCQM) with 96 sampling points and 83 vegetation samples by plot method ) were used to record field data. Shannon-Wiener index and Pearson coefficient were used for diversity and correlation analysis. The results showed that DEN decreased l inearly, MBA and MHC showed relatively hump shaped and DIS showed a reverse hump shaped pattern of change along altitudinal gradient. Woody species diversity decreased non-steadily from LoF to MoF. Transitional vegetations of Carpinus-Fagus and Fagus-Quercus represented higher diversity of woody Significant correlation was observed between altitude and all parameters: DEN with MBA, DIS and DIV; MBA with DIS; MHC with DIS along with DIV; and DIS with DIV at the study area scale. Surprisingly, correlation between studied parameters differed within each vegetation type. Altitude probably acts as a proxy for human and environmental driving forces in this area. Stability of warm and wet condition, season length, soil depth along with forest accessibility probably influences the altitudinal pattern of the studying parameters. Disturbance affects forest structure and access diversity; especially in lowlands. The obtained results recommendusing both forest biodiversity and mensuration data in management process of forest ecosystems.
“大型矿集区深部精细结构与含矿信息”是国土资源部“十五”启动的重大科技项目 ,项目于 2 0 0 0年7月先以重点项目启动 ,由于项目研究意义重大 ,进展突出 ,2 0 0 1年 4月升
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第 3届全国大学生化学实验竞赛于 2 0 0 2年 7月 2 2~ 2 5日在北京大学举行。来自全国 2 8所高等学校的84名三年级大学生 (每代表队由两名教师和 3名学生组成 )参加了竞赛。这
【摘要】中国现代史上有一批常见的外文缩写词译音词,它们起过很大的作用,产生过很重要的影响。有的至今仍发挥着极重大的积极的主导作用。用外文缩写词译音词来表示中国重要的政治事物,反映出现代以来全世界已成了地球村,各种文化文明互相影响渗透;并旁证了中国新民主主义革命是在世界社会主义革命的影响和帮助下发生发展取得胜利的,中国革命是国际共产主义运动和世界社会主义事业的一个极为重要的组成部分。  【关键词】4