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岗厦地处福田新市区的中心地段,是深圳特区未来十年即特开发建设的黄金地带。岗厦的巨变是从80年代初特区创办后开始的。至1990年底,岗厦工业项目的累计投资已达1200多万元,建起了自己的工业小区,现除了建设起齐备的水、电、通讯、道路等基础设施之外,还建起了敬老院、幼儿园、小学、菜市场、医疗站、图书馆等文化福利设施。所有这些变化也与他们在大力发展商品经济、发展多种经济形式的同时,较早地在农村推行股份制改革分不开。早在1984年,岗厦村党支部和村委就认识到,在农村实行股份制,是实现共同富裕,摆脱行政干预,实现政企分开的一条捷径;同时也能通过股份集资,用村民手中的余钱,投资 Gangxia is located in the center of the new urban area of ​​Futian, and is the gold zone for special development and construction of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the next decade. The great changes in the Gangxia started after the founding of the SAR in the early 1980s. By the end of 1990, the accumulated investment of the Gangxia Industrial Project had reached more than RMB 12 million and its own industrial community was built. In addition to building infrastructure such as water, electricity, communications and roads, it also built a nursing home. Cultural and welfare facilities such as kindergartens, primary schools, food markets, medical stations, and libraries. All of these changes are also inseparable from the introduction of joint-stock reforms in rural areas as they vigorously developed the commodity economy and developed various economic forms. As early as 1984, the Gangxia Party Branch and the village committee realized that implementing a shareholding system in rural areas is a shortcut to achieve common prosperity, get rid of administrative intervention, and realize the separation of government and enterprises; at the same time, it can also use fund-raising in the hands of villagers. More money, investment
内皮素 (endothelin ,ET)是一种由 2 1个氨基酸残基组成的多肽 ,是机体在缺氧、应激状态下产生的一种致损伤因子。由于全身各组织器官中有ET受体存在 ,作为一种循环激素 ,ET具有多种生理功能
以缺血性中风表现发病的颅内占位性病变早期易于误诊。现将我科近2年临床初诊为缺血性脑卒中,后经 CT 确诊为颅内占位性病变的12例分析报道如下。临床资料一般资料:本组12例
肺栓塞是发病率、病死率、误诊率颇高的疾病 ,近年来国内医院收治的患者有明显增多趋势 ,这可能与肺梗塞发病率增高及对其诊断意识和技术水平的提高有关。我院共收治 2 5例肺
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