A three-dimensional k-ε-k_p model in curvilinear coordinates for sediment movement and bed evolution

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlxingyun
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To aim at the substitution of the magnitude and direction of water flow movement near bed for those of bed load transport in solid-liquid two-phase one-fluid model, and to simulate the effect of secondary flow on transverse bed load transport in channel bends and the effect of bed slope on bed load trans- port in a better way, a three-dimensional k-ε-kp solid-liquid two-phase two-fluid model in curvilinear coordinates is solved numerically with a finite-volume method on an adaptive grid for studying wa- ter-sediment movements and bed evolution in a 120° channel bend. Numerical results show that the trajectories of solid-phase deviate from those of liquid-phase in the channel bend, and the deviation increases with the increase of the particle diameters. The calculated bed deformation by the k-ε-kp model is in better agreement with measured bed deformation than those by one-fluid model. It is proved that the k-ε-kp model can simulate the effect of secondary flow on lateral bed load transport with the higher accuracy than the one-fluid model. To aim at the substitution of the magnitude and direction of water flow movement near bed for those of bed load transport in solid-liquid two-phase one-fluid model, and to simulate the effect of secondary flow on transverse bed load transport in channel bends and the effect of bed slope on bed load trans-port in a better way, a three-dimensional k-ε-kp solid-liquid two-phase two-fluid model in curvilinear coordinates is solved numerically with a finite-volume method on an adaptive grid for studying wa- ter-sediment movements and bed evolution in a 120 ° channel bend. Numerical results show that the trajectories of solid-phase deviate from those of liquid-phase in the channel bend, and the deviation increases with the increase of the particle diameters. The calculated bed deformation by the k-ε-kp model is in better agreement with measured bed deformation than those by one-fluid model. It is proved that the k-ε-kp model can simulate the effect of a secondary flow on lateral bed load t ransport with the higher accuracy than the one-fluid model.
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