,Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Nd: YAG Laser under Urethroscope in the Treatment of Intraurethr

来源 :中华性传播感染杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jialifish
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Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of Nd:YAG laser under urethroscope for the treatment of intraurethral Candyloma Acuminata (CA) in males.Method: Nd:YAG laser under urethroscope was employed to remove the warts.Result: Seventeen patients out of eighteen cases with CA were cured after the first procedure. The ure rate was 94.4%.For second treatment, the cure rate was 100% and no relapse occurred after observation for 12 - 4 months.Conclusion: Nd:YAG laser by urethroscope is a very good method for the treatment of intraurethral CA.
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