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曾经有一位摇滚歌手唱道:不是我不明白,这世界变化快。随着时光的流逝,这位歌手在人们的记忆里逐渐模糊。有一位同事又感慨道:“现在的时间比以前的时间快了!”其实,钟表上的时间没有变,变的是这个时代的节奏。高节奏、高效率的时代让我们应接不暇、左顾右盼,我们成了时间的奴隶,在它的驱使下,我们不停地走下去。涉世之初的青年人带着一点点的羞涩,一点点的恐慌,与这高速变化的世界撞了个满怀,碰撞出青春的激情,也碰撞出青春的迷茫与抉择。我们警觉地关注着这世界的每一次变化,设想着自己应付每一个变化的方式。所有变化都牵涉到一个冒险的因素,因为每一个未知事件都面临着失败的可能。但不管你喜欢与否,变化总是不可避免的,于是冒险也就不可避免。因为变化,我们面临着冒险,冒险也可以给自己带来变化,如果你想得到你自己想要的东西,你就必须付出一些代价主动去冒险。为了能够获得你所向往的生活,你需要为自己提供尽可能多的选择机会。所以,你必须改变自己的思维,改变自己的生活状态,那么你的生命将有一个充满动感甚至让人心惊肉跳的经历。如果你不敢为自己的未来冒险,即使机遇就摆在你的面前,你也抓不住它。放弃旧的,你才会发现新的发展空间,不断地朝新的方向前进,你才会发现离你最终的家园越近。也许,你的身后已经没有了路,那你还犹豫什么?给自己一道没有退路的悬崖,从某种意义上说,是给自己一个向生命高地冲锋的机会。背水一战,你也许会得到另一片广阔的天空。不要害怕失败,有困难、有阻碍的时候,说明你还在路上行走;能继续行走,你还有达到目的地的希望。当你超越了冒险所带来的恐惧时,你就会感到轻松自在,像鸟一样自由旷达,甚至把冒险当成了一种乐趣。莎士比亚说过:“胜利是一种结局,快乐的灵魂躲在过程之中。”其实,真正的成功是拥有过程的人。青春是一个冒险的季节,青春孕育着行动。在青春的躁动中,勇敢、激情会陪伴着我们去收获成功。 Once a rock singer sang: not I do not understand, the world is changing fast. As the passage of time, the singer in the memory of people gradually blurred. One colleague laments again: “Now the time is faster than before! ” In fact, the clock time has not changed, the change is the rhythm of this era. We are overwhelmed by the high pace and high efficiency era. We have become slaves of time. Under its drive, we keep going. At the beginning of the world young people with a little bit of shy, a little bit of panic, and the rapidly changing world hit a full, collision out of the passion of youth, but also the collision of youth confusion and choice. We watch closely for every change in this world, envisioning the way we deal with every change. All changes involve an element of adventure, because every unknown event faces the possibility of failure. But whether you like it or not, change is always inevitable, so adventure is inevitable. Because of the changes, we are faced with adventures, adventures can also bring changes to ourselves and if you want to get what you want, you have to pay a price to take the initiative to take risks. In order to be able to get the life you are looking for, you need to provide yourself as many choices as possible. So, you have to change your mind and change your life, then your life will have a dynamic and even fraught experience. If you are afraid to take risks for your own future, you can not catch it even though opportunities are there. Give up the old, you will find new space for development, continue to move in a new direction, you will find closer to your final home. Perhaps, there is no way behind you, then what are you hesitant to give yourself a retreat cliff, in a sense, is to give yourself a charge to the heights of life opportunities. Back to the world, you may get another vast sky. Do not be afraid of failure, difficulty, obstacles, you are still walking on the road; to continue walking, you still have the hope to reach their destination. When you go beyond the fear of adventures, you feel relaxed and free, like a bird, unrestrained, and even adventure as a pleasure. Shakespeare said: “Victory is a kind of ending, happy soul hiding in the process.” In fact, the real success is the person who owns the process. Youth is an adventurous season, youth is pregnant with action. In the agitation of youth, courage, passion will accompany us to reap success.
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读者的来信编辑老师:您好!我今年大学刚毕业,在一家公司从事文职类工作。由于工作比较清闲,又没有男朋友,平时我喜欢到各大网站、论坛潜水看帖。 Reader’s letter Editoria
他们总是脚步匆匆,无法品味片刻的闲暇时光。他们为何总是处于紧急状态之中?这种急迫感源自何处?如何才能学会从容地停下脚步倾听来自心底的声音? 每天江雁对自己说得最多的