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基于双桥静力触探参数区域可靠性分析需要,以长三角地区全新统冲积层黏土、粉质黏土、粉土及粉砂为研究对象,通过对已有双桥静力触探资料的收集与整理,运用概率分布假设检验及可靠性截断概率取值统计理论,试图建立上述土层双桥静力触探锥尖阻力及侧摩阻力参数的概率分布模型,给出双桥静力触探参数的可靠性取值范围。研究结果表明:长三角地区全新统冲积层双桥静力触探参数的变异性较大,离散程度较高,符合对数正态分布概率模型;以75.6%的置信水平为可靠性截断概率,黏土、粉质黏土、粉土及粉砂的锥尖阻力取值范围分别为0.2~1.7MPa、0.5~1.9MPa、0.7~5.5MPa、5.0~12.0MPa,侧摩阻力取值范围分别为10.0~60.0kPa、10.0~40.0kPa、20.0~65.0kPa、40.0~110.0kPa,为该区域土层双桥静力触探参数的可靠性评价及土层量化分层提供了借鉴参考。 Based on the need of regional reliability analysis of double-bridge static exploration parameters, taking the Holocene alluvial clay, silty clay, silt and silt in the Yangtze River delta as the research object, In order to establish the probabilistic distribution model of cone tip resistance and side frictional resistance parameters of double-legged static probe, the double-legged static probe The range of the reliability of the parameter. The results show that the static variability of the double-bridge alluvial double-bridge static exploration parameters of the Holocene alluvial layer in the Yangtze River Delta is larger and the degree of dispersion is higher, which meets the logarithmic normal distribution probability model. With the reliability confidence cutoff probability of 75.6% The cone tip resistance of clay, silty clay, silt and silt range from 0.2 to 1.7MPa, 0.5 to 1.9MPa, 0.7 to 5.5MPa and 5.0 to 12.0MPa, respectively. The range of lateral friction is 10.0 ~ 60.0kPa, 10.0 ~ 40.0kPa, 20.0 ~ 65.0kPa and 40.0 ~ 110.0kPa, respectively. It provides a reference for the reliability evaluation of soil double layer bridge static exploration parameters and the quantitative stratification of soil layers.
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