A phase Ⅰ study of different doses and frequencies of pegylated recombinant human granulocyte-colony

来源 :中国癌症研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nymphamor
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Objective:The recommended dose of prophylactic pegylated recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (PEG rhG-CSF) is 100 μg/kg once per cycle for patents receiving intense-dose chemotherapy.However,few data are available on the proper dose for patients receiving less-intense chemotherapy.The aim of this phase Ⅰ study is to explore the proper dose and administration schedule of PEG rhG-CSF for patients receiving standard-dose chemotherapy.Methods:Eligible patients received 3-cycle chemotherapy every 3 weeks.No PEG rhG-CSF was given in the first cycle.Patents experienced grade 3 or 4 neutropenia would then enter the cycle 2 and 3.In cycle 2,patients received a single subcutaneous injection of prophylactic PEG rhG-CSF on d 3,and received half-dose subcutaneous injection in cycle 3 on d 3 and d 5,respectively.Escalating doses (30,60,100 and 200 μg/kg) of PEG rhG-CSF were investigated.Results:A total of 26 patents were enrolled and received chemotherapy,in which 24 and 18 patents entered cycle 2 and cycle 3 treatment,respectively.In cycle 2,the incidence of grade 3 or 4 neutropenia for patients receiving single-dose PEG rhG-CSF of 30,60,100 and 200 μg/kg was 66.67%,33.33%,22.22% and 0,respectively,with a median duration less than 1 (0-2) d.No grade 3 or higher neutropenia was noted in cycle 3 in all dose cohorts.Conclusions:The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles of PEG rhG-CSF used in cancer patients were similar to those reported,as well as the safety.Double half dose administration model showed better efficacy result than a single dose model in terms of grade 3 neuttopenia and above.The single dose of 60 μg/kg,100 μg/kg and double half dose of 30 μg/kg were recommended to the phase Ⅱ study,hoping to find a preferable method for neutropenia treatment.
目的 探讨虫草多糖(Cordyceps Polysaccharides ,CP)对皮肤成纤维细胞光老化的保护作用.方法 用8-甲氧补骨脂素联合UVA(8-MOP/UVA)诱导皮肤成纤维细胞光老化,用HE染色、MTT、
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【摘要】慢性病泛指不具传染性、病症进展缓慢,但如果表现出明显的临床症状,很难以常规方式进行有效治疗,进而对患者身体造成严重威胁的疾病类型。随着公民健康要求的提升,人们对该类疾病的重视程度越来越高,随之而诞生的慢性病防治管理作用越来越明显,然而其问题也是显著的。本文首先总结了在慢性病防治管理上我国目前的情况,进而针对其中存在的问题做出深入分析,观点仅供参考。  【关键词】慢性病;防治;管理;问题;对
1 乳腺癌筛查指南(附录Ⅰ)rn1.1 乳腺癌筛查的定义、目的及分类rn⑴ 肿瘤筛查,或称作普查,是针对无症状人群的一种防癌措施,而针对有症状人群的医学检查称为诊断.
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【摘要】目的系统研究减少妇科腹腔镜手术患者疼痛的方法。资料与方法ASAI-II级择期妇科手术患者,全麻麻醉,术前布托菲诺超前镇痛,术后舒芬太尼静脉镇痛泵,回监护室后给予吸高流量氧、局部按摩、深慢呼吸、热疗、头高脚低位、听音乐、早活动纤维素饮食等处理。结果大幅度提高了妇科腹腔镜手术患者的镇痛效果。  【关键词】循证;妇科;腹腔镜;镇痛;实践  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-7484