Things You Should Know About The Philippines

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  “Small talk” is an important part of building business relationships with Filipinos. You’ll find that Filipinos can be enthusiastic conversationalists.
  Expect to be asked personal questions like income, religion, and other sensitive subjects. If you don’t want to answer, side-step these questions as politely as possible.
  Embarrassing someone, or scolding them in front of others, can cause them to “lose face” or loss of and this has very negative result in this culture.
  It’s best not to be too direct when communicating with Filipinos. They will usually prefer an indirect approach.
  Because of the years of U.S. military presence in the Philippines, most North American gestures and communication styles are recognized and understood.
  English is the language of most business and nearly all government bodies in the Philippines.
  Business travelers are expected to be on time for all appointments, and although the Filipinos may not always arrive exactly on time, you probably won’t have to wait for a long time.
  Although there are many social inequalities in the Philippines, Filipinos believe that everyone must be treated with respect, especially when dealings with the poor.
  Close female friends may greet each other with a hug and kiss. Similarly, close male friends may have close physical contact, such as holding hands or walking arm in arm around a friend’s shoulder.
  Some Filipinos may greet each other by making eye contact, like raising and lowering their eyebrows. When someone raises their eyebrows at you, it is often a way of saying that you have been understood.
  Don’t think that a smile means happy or agreement. At times, smiling is used to hide embarrassment, nervousness, and other feelings of discomfort.
  Pointing at someone or something with one finger can be a bad gesture. Filipinos usually point at objects using an open hand.
  Don’t put your hands on your ass when talking. This gesture can be understood as challenge to another person.
  enthusiastic adj. 热情的
  embarrassing v. 使尴尬(原型为embarrass)
  negative adj. 消极的
  military adj. 军方的
  inequalities n. 不平等(单数为inequality)
  (What else do you know about the Philippines?)
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