Statins role in cancer prevention and development-recent meta-analyses

来源 :World Journal of Pharmacology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z24514516210
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The therapeutic indications of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A(HMG-Co A) reductase inhibitors(statins) include hypercholesterolaemia and the prevention of cardiovascular events. Statins are well tolerated and beyond their unambiguous positive cardiovascular effects there are a steadily increasing number of pleiotropic actions emerging. In this regard, growth inhibition, apoptosis, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory actions have been attributed to statins. The anti-proliferative effects have been the basis for massive preclinical investigations to elucidate a functional role for statins in carcinogenesis and tumor cell growth. However, preclinical and clinical studies are conflicting, although there is accumulating evidence that statins are capable to suppress and decrease the incidence and recurrence of some human cancers. Given the fact that statins are well tolerated they might also have some impact in combinations with conventional and targeted chemotherapy. While synergism has been shown for many combinations in vitro this does not hold true yet in the clinics. Here we review the rational behind usage of statins in oncological settings. Positive effects have been observed in patients with melanoma and cancers from the breast, colon, prostate, lung, liver and hematologic tissues. However, substantial evidence from clinical studies is still weak and confounded by several factors, which are inherent in the study design. The majority of the studies are observational or of retrospective nature. Definitely, there is substantial need for larger, prospective randomized, placebo-controlled trials. Finally, we conclude that statins at the current status of evidence should not be recommended in the prevention or during progression of any cancers, however, individual statins may have beneficial effects in specific tumor subgroups. Therapeutic indications of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-Co A) reductase inhibitors (statins) include hypercholesterolaemia and the prevention of cardiovascular events. Statins are well tolerated and beyond their unambiguous positive cardiovascular effects there are a steadily increasing number of pleiotropic actions emerging. In this regard, growth inhibition, apoptosis, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory actions have been attributed to statins. The anti-proliferative effects have been the basis for massive preclinical investigations to elucidate a functional role for statins in carcinogenesis and However, preclinical and clinical studies are conflicting, although there is accumulating evidence that statins are capable to suppress and decrease the incidence that recurrence of some human cancers. Given the fact that statins are well tolerated they might also have some impact in combinations with conventional and targeted chemotherapy. While synergis Here we review the rational behind usage of statins in on clinological. Positive effects have been observed in patients with melanoma and cancers from the breast, colon, prostate However, substantial evidence from clinical studies is still weak and confounded by several factors, which are inherent in the study design. The majority of the studies are observational or of retrospective nature. Definitely, there is substantial in need for larger, prospective randomized, placebo-controlled trials. Finally, we conclude that statins at the current status of evidence should not be recommended in the prevention or during progression of any cancers, however, individual statins may have beneficial effects in specific tumor subgroups.
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