The vital threat of an upper gastrointestinal bleeding: Risk factor analysis of 121 consecutive pati

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:christain008
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AIM: To analyze the importance in predicting patients risk of mortality due to upper gastrointestinal (UGI) bleeding under today’s therapeutic regimen. METHODS: From 1998 to 2001, 121 patients with the diagnosis of UGI bleeding were treated in our hospital. Based on the patients’ data, a retrospective multivariate data analysis with initially more than 270 single factors was performed. Subsequently, the following potential risk factors underwent a logistic regression analysis: age, gender, initial hemoglobin, coumarines, liver cirrhosis, prothrombin time (PT), gastric ulcer (small curvature), duodenal ulcer (bulbus back wall), Forrest classification, vascular stump, variceal bleeding, Mallory-Weiss syndrome, RBC substitution, recurrent bleeding, conservative and surgical therapy. RESULTS: Seventy male (58%) and 51 female (42%) patients with a median age of 70 (range: 21-96) years were treated. Their in-hospital mortality was 14%. While 12% (11/91) of the patients died after conservative therapy, 20% (6/30) died after undergoing surgical therapy. UGI bleeding occurred due to duodenal ulcer (n = 36; 30%), gastric ulcer (n = 35; 29%), esophageal varicosis (n = 12; 10%), Mallory-Weiss syndrome (n = 8; 7%), erosive lesions of the mucosa (n = 20; 17%), cancer (n = 5; 4%), coagulopathy (n = 4; 3%), lymphoma (n = 2; 2%), benign tumor (n = 2; 2%) and unknown reason (n = 1; 1%). A logistic regression analysis of all aforementioned factors revealed that liver cirrhosis and duodenal ulcer (bulbus back wall) were associated risk factors for a fatal course after UGI bleeding. Prior to endoscopy, only liver cirrhosis was an assessable risk factor. Thereafter, liver cirrhosis, the location of a bleeding ulcer (bulbus back wall) and patients’ gender (male) were of prognostic importance for the clinical outcome (mortality) of patients with a bleeding ulcer. CONCLUSION: Most prognostic parameters used in clinical routine today are not reliable enough in predicting a patient’s vital threat posed by an UGI bleeding. Liver cirrhosis, on the other hand, is significantly more frequently associated with an increased risk to die after bleeding of an ulcer located at the posterior duodenal wall. METHODS: From 1998 to 2001, 121 patients with the diagnosis of UGI bleeding were treated in our hospital. Based on the patients The following potential risk factors underwent a logistic regression analysis: age, gender, initial hemoglobin, coumarines, liver cirrhosis, prothrombin time (PT), gastric RESULTS: Seventy male (58%) and 51 female (58%) and ulcer (small curvature), duodenal ulcer (bulbus back wall), Forrest classification, vascular stump, variceal bleeding, Mallory- Weiss syndrome, RBC substitution, recurrent bleeding, Their in-hospital mortality was 14%. While 12% (11/91) of the patients died after conservativ (42%) (n = 36; 30%), gastric ulcer (n = 35; 29%), esophageal varicosis (n = 12; 10%), Mallory-Weiss syndrome (n = 8; 7%), erosive lesions of the mucosa (n = 20; 17% A logistic regression analysis of all of the causes of liver cirrhosis and duodenal ulcer (bulbus) (n = 2; 2%), benign tumor Prior to endoscopy, only liver cirrhosis was an assessable risk factor. After, liver cirrhosis, the location of a bleeding ulcer (bulbus back wall) and patients’ gender (male ) of of prognostic importance for the clinical outcome (mortality) of patients with a bleeding ulcer. CONCLUSION: Most prognostic parameters used in clinical routine today are not reliable enough in predicting a patient’s vital threat posed by an UGI bleeding. Liver cirrhosis, on the other hand, is more more frequently associated with an increased risk to die after bleeding of an ulcer located at the posterior duodenal wall.
甘肃 于德海  姚 刚  四川 聂振宇  刘 立  山东 周广鹏  胡 夏  广西 余 春  北京 马静萱  阮 月  刘 洋  于天轶  河北 赵汉卿  湖南 夏 娟  王启鹏  内蒙古 武 威  李 靖  浙江 杨宁炜  辽宁 韩佳诺  陕西 李东来  蔡 晴  (奖品为百变方巾一条,已于近日寄出,请获奖者注意查收。)
AIM: To investigate histological characteristics of gastric polyps in the Korean population. METHODS: We reviewed endoscopic photographs and medical records of
2012年欧洲萨托利防务展上,以色列银影(Silver Shadow)公司展出一种“概念武器”——基利波(Gilboa)5.56mm双管步枪。其左右两支枪管相距3cm,两支枪管发射间隔1秒,靠一个扳机控制发射。该枪可同时发射两发弹,这样能快速应对多个目标。  该枪采用银影公司研制的宽型上机匣和M4/M16步枪的下机匣,两者均由航空铝合金制成,全枪质量仅2.7kg。其采用活塞导气系统和后坐缓冲簧装置