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在秋高气爽的九月末,我校迎来了2007年秋季田径运动会。全校师生以饱满的精神面貌投入到这青春勃发的激情之中。9月28日,隆重而又热烈的开幕式拉开了东营市实验中学2007年秋季田径运动会的帷幕。随着激越的《运动员进行曲》,入场式开始了。国旗队、会徽、标语牌、鼓号队、彩旗队依次入场,紧跟着是77个方阵列队。队员们个个精神饱满,整齐的步伐踏着他们的坚定,灿烂的微笑写着他们的热情,嘹亮的口号体现着他们的实力。当各班级代表方阵迈着矫健的步伐,精 At the end of September in the autumn, our school ushered in the fall track and field athletics in 2007. The teachers and students of the school have devoted themselves to this youthful passion with their full spirit. On September 28, the grand and warm opening ceremony kicked off the opening ceremony of the 2007 Autumn Track and Field Games in Dongying Experimental Middle School. With the agitation of the “Music March”, the entrance ceremony began. The national flag team, the emblem, the placards, the squadrons of the drums, and the flags team entered in turn, followed by 77 square array teams. The team members were all full of energy, and their regular pace followed their determination. Their bright smiles showed their enthusiasm and their bright slogans reflected their strength. When each class represents a swift pace of progress, fine
当我们捧着自己的奖状的时候,心里有一种说不出的欣慰。因为我们的作文获奖了。当我们获得了《少年文艺》编辑部捐赠的50本书的时候,我们的心都在笑。 When we hold our own
七七事变后,国共两党达成抗日民族统一战线。驻在甘肃正宁县的红二师要开赴华北抗日前线,中共中央命令红二十七军去正宁接守防务。  从红二十七军驻地陕西富县到正宁,要在国民党统治区走3天,沿途只能买粮吃,而当时全军经费紧缺,一共只有100元,又无粮食可带。怎么行动呢?  于是,红二十七军政委王平和军长贺晋年给中央发电报,请求拨款。中央回电说:财政困难,没有钱。  为了部队行动,情急之下,王平只好给延安的
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一辆辆车从我的面前驶过,有摩托车、小轿车,甚至大卡车,但它们都有一个共同的特点,就是都拖着一条又黑又长的“大尾巴”。以前在森林里,有尾巴的动物我见多了:松鼠的尾巴,猴子的尾巴,老虎甚至是狮子的尾巴,但它们都不会给我带来这般恐惧——就像当初看着人类用电锯锯断我同类时的恐惧;就像当初我被迫离开故土时的恐惧。  那“尾巴”里有我讨厌的东西,我恐惧的东西——但,那又是什么呢?  过了很久——也有可能是不久
但是,一看到孩子们那纯净期待的目光,一看到那一望无际美得醉人的草原,我所有的后悔都跑得无影无踪了。 However, as soon as I saw the children’s purely expectant eyes
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