马克思主义再生产理论的数学分析(一) 为什么不断实现扩大再生产必须优先发展生产资料的生产

来源 :清华政治经济学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kizanliu
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这是我们引用数学来讨论马克思主义再生产理论的第一篇文章。在这篇文章中,我们主要从数量关系上较全面地分析了再生产理论中生产资料优先增长的原理的问题。本文共分为六部分。在序言中我们首先论证了经济学中引进数学方法来进行研究的必要性,指出数学方法的引用是使用唯物辩证法来研究政治经济学的必要的要求和补充。在第一节中,我们简单地复述了马克思和列宁所提出的生产资料优先增长的原理,指出这个原理还欠缺严格的数学证明和数量关系上的全面分析。第二节中,我们探讨了第一部类和第二部类生产进行交换时所必须满足的平衡条件,指出各种不同表现形式的平衡条件实质上只相当于一个公式,但是决定明年度扩大再生产规模的却有ΔC(1)1、ΔV(1)1、M(2)1、ΔC(1)11、ΔV(1)11、M211六个变数,因而单从平衡条件出发就不能推导出生产资料优先增长的原理。第三节主要是指出在讨论扩大再生产原理的问题时必须从扩大再生产每年都能实现和继续的观点出发,并根据这一观点从数量关系上证明:在技术不断进步的条件下,必须不断优先增长生产资料才能使扩大再生产不致中断;但在一定条件下,在某些年度内,也可以有消费资料优先增长的情形。第四节主要是探讨两大部类上涨的速度之间的比例关系和各种再生产系数(如资本有机构成、剩余价值率、平均利润率和积累率等)间的关系;指出无论是在资本主义或是社会主义的现实经济生活中,这些系数的变化趋向都将是导致生产资料的优先增长。第五节我们列出了本文所得到的结论。 This is the first article we use to refer to mathematics to discuss the theory of Marxist reproduction. In this article, we mainly analyze quantitatively the issue of the principle of the preferential growth of the means of production in the theory of reproduction. This article is divided into six parts. In the preface, we first demonstrate the necessity of introducing mathematical methods in economics and point out that the quotation of mathematical methods is the necessary requirement and supplement for using the materialist dialectics to study political economy. In the first section, we simply repeat the principle of the prior growth of the means of production proposed by Marx and Lenin. We also point out that this principle lacks the rigorous mathematical proof and the quantitative analysis of the quantitative relations. In Section II, we discuss the equilibrium conditions that must be met in the exchange of production of the first and second categories, noting that the equilibrium conditions for the different forms of expression are essentially equivalent to one formula but are decided to expand next year There are six variables ΔC (1) 1, ΔV (1) 1, M (2) 1, ΔC (1) 11, ΔV (1) 11 and M211 on the scale of reproduction. Therefore, it can not be derived from the equilibrium conditions The principle of giving priority to the growth of the means of production. The third section mainly points out that in discussing the issue of expanding the reproduction principle, it is necessary to proceed from the viewpoint of expanding reproduction every year to achieve and continue, and from this point of view, we can prove from the quantitative relations that under the conditions of continuous improvement of technology, we must give top priority The growth of means of production will not result in the expansion of reproduction. However, under certain conditions, consumption information may also be given priority in some years. The fourth section mainly discusses the relationship between the proportion of the rising speed of the two major sectors and the various reproduction factors (such as the organic composition of capital, the ratio of surplus value, the average profit rate and the accumulation rate); points out that no matter in the capital Or the actual economic life of socialism, the changing trend of these factors will lead to the preferential growth of the means of production. The fifth section lists the conclusions we obtained in this paper.
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