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目的:对比羊水过少产妇引产中应用地诺前列酮和双球囊导管促进宫颈成熟的效果。方法:选取自2015年1月~2016年12月期间的86例因羊水过少接受引产术的足月妊娠产妇,随机分为A组和B组各43例。A组采用地诺前列酮阴道栓促进宫颈成熟,B组采用双球囊导管促进宫颈成熟。对比两组患者的宫颈成熟的时间、引产至活跃期的时间、引产至分娩的时间、使用缩宫素的比例、发生胎心异常的比例、宫缩过频比例、需要提前取出地诺前列酮栓或者双球囊导管的比例、分娩方式以及羊水粪染的比例;对比两组患者药物/双球囊导管置入时、引产时的不适感以及产妇的恐惧感的评分结果 ;对比两组的新生儿结局。结果:A组用药至分娩的时间、使用缩宫素的比例显著低于B组,而监测到异常胎心的比例、提前取出药物的比例则显著高于B组;A组置入药物时的不适感评分为(2.29±1.19)分,产妇的恐惧感评分为(2.28±1.26)分,均显著低于B组;两组新生儿结局的对比,差异没有统计学意义。结论:地诺前列酮与双球囊导管促进宫颈成熟的效果相当,地诺前列酮可增加胎心异常的发生率,但是对分娩方式和新生儿结局无显著的影响,两者均可用于羊水过少产妇的引产。 OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of applying dinoprolol and dual balloon catheters to promote cervical ripening in maternal induction of labor with oligohydramnios. Methods: From January 2015 to December 2016, 86 pregnant women of full term due to oligohydramnios were selected and randomly divided into group A and group B, 43 cases each. In group A, dronedone vaginal suppository was used to promote cervical ripening. In group B, double balloon catheter was used to promote cervical ripening. Comparing the time of cervical ripening, induction of labor to active phase, induction of labor to delivery, the proportion of oxytocin, the proportion of fetal heart failure, the ratio of uterine contractions over the two groups, we need to remove dinoprostone The ratio of the double or double balloon catheter, the mode of delivery and the proportion of meconium-stained amniotic fluid. Comparing the scores of drug / double-balloon catheterization, malaise and maternal fear in two groups, Neonatal outcome. Results: The ratio of oxytocin used in group A to delivery was significantly lower than that in group B, while the proportion of abnormal fetal heart rate monitored and taken out prematurely was significantly higher than that in group B. In group A, The score of discomfort was (2.29 ± 1.19) points, and the score of maternal fear was (2.28 ± 1.26) points, which were significantly lower than those of the B group. There was no significant difference in the neonatal outcome between the two groups. CONCLUSION: Dinoprostone and dual balloon catheters have a comparable effect of promoting cervical maturation, and dinoprostone increases the incidence of fetal heart failure but has no significant effect on mode of delivery and neonatal outcome, both of which can be used in amniotic fluid Too few maternal induction of labor.
第1期新型铜析出强化结构钢的研究毛卫民 任慧平(1)…………………………………………………………………回火对2Cr13钢疲劳损伤的恢复作用杨晓华 李 年(6)……………………
为观察乳酸左氧氟沙星治疗中、重度呼吸道感染的临床疗效、细菌清除率及不良反应,30 例患者单用乳酸左氧氟沙星每次0.2g,每日2 次静脉滴注,疗程7~17d,临床总有效率90% ,其中治
七、纪念邮票突出全民族的抗战 1995年,是中国人民抗日战争及世界反法西斯战争胜利50周年。邮电部为此于9月3月发行《抗日战争及世界反法西斯战争胜利五十周年》纪念邮票一套