观念落后 导致新闻滞后——从一条获奖电视新闻谈起

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1994年初,我参加了一次地区优秀电视新闻评选活动,很开眼界,很受启发。当然,也遇到了一些疑惑不解的问题。过后反复思之,引出一些新的思考。 这些问题就出在一条有争议的电视新闻上,争论的结果是这条新闻评定为地区一等奖,并决定推荐到省参加全省优秀电视新闻评选。 为了说明问题,现将这条电视新闻的文字稿抄录如下: “永吉县两家子满族乡温泉村种田大户宋成财,不见利忘义,以国家利益为重,宁可少收入六千元,也将上百吨玉米全都卖给国家。 今年,粮食实行了稳购放销政策,我省出现了国家以玉米为原料的企业,粮食经销单位等多家同时 At the beginning of 1994, I participated in a district excellent TV news contest, very eye-catching and very inspired. Of course, we also encountered some puzzling questions. After repeated thinking, leads to some new thinking. These issues lie in a controversial television news. As a result of the controversy, the news was appraised as the first prize in the region and it was decided to recommend it to the province for the province’s excellent television news selection. To illustrate the problem, copy the transcript of this television news as follows: "Song Chengcai, a large farming village in the Wenquan Village, Manchu Township, Liangji County, never forsakes its interests. It takes the national interest as the priority and rather reduces the income by 6,000 yuan. Hundreds of tons of corn are all sold to the country.This year, the implementation of grain purchase and sale policy, the province appeared in corn as raw material companies, distribution agencies and many other food at the same time
万礼豪程是万豪家族The J.Willard and Alice S.Marriott的慈善项目.旨在提高中国服务业教育水平,让青年人在中国服务行业一展抱负.通过与全球学术界和业界精英们的紧密合作,
“焉耆(yān qí)山头暮烟紫,牛羊声断行人止;平沙风急卷寒蓬,天似穹庐月如水.”陆游的这首诗中提到了一个地名,你猜出来了吗?没错,诗中的地名就是丝路古国——焉耆.rn焉耆(